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Mira's face held a deep frown as she stared at Ahsha. "I was in love with Imam. I thought he and I would eventually end up together since neither of us had found our mate. That is until he met Marie. When she came into the picture Imam completely disregarded me. I found myself growing angry and resentful the more time they spent together. So I took a trip to Romania and found Petre there. We spent my entire trip together and I fell in love with him. I told him I needed to get back home." Mira spoke looking at Petre.

"Are you sure about that?" Ahsha asked her. "Excuse me?" "Are you sure you fell in love with Petre?" Ahsha elaborated. "Yes," Mira said. "Then why were you trying to leave him?" Ahsha questioned. "Because my life was back home," Mira said.

"So your home was back with Imam the man who didn't want you rather than being with your mate and the man who from the looks of it is deeply in love with you?" She asked. Mira didn't have a response for that. "Continue." Ahsha waved. "I stayed with him."

"I asked her to; I had waited so long to find her. I didn't want to lose any more time with her." Petre said. Ahsha's heart ached at his words and the sadness she saw.

"So I stayed and for a while, he and I lived happily together. We have a beautiful daughter, Gabriela." "And she's the oldest correct?" Harrison asked. "Yes." She answered taking a pause. "I had every intention of staying with you." She said to Petre.

"Why didn't you?" Ahsha asked. "Imam called and said he needed me." "So?" Isaac said. "He was my—," "Not your mate," Isaac interjected.

"Why did you call her Imam?" Ahsha asked. "Marie had left me—," "So for a year you two lived separately. I'm assuming with very limited contact, yes?" They both begrudgingly nodded their heads.

"So one phone call brought us all here." She said with a sigh. "So then what happened?"

Mira sighed. "I told Petre I needed to go help my friend and he—," "I told her to go. I didn't know this friend was someone you were in love with." Petre said.

Mira looked at the ground. "Imam told me that Marie found out who he was and wasn't willing to accept him. I stayed with him, and we drank a lot. And we—," She winced glancing at Petre. "We slept together." Petre looked away genuine hurt on his face at her admission.

"Marie walked in on us and rejected Imam on the spot. Instead of staying with Imam I went back home and lived with my mate and daughter. I never told Petre what I did, and we were happy until I got another call from Imam."

"Wait so Petre you didn't know about Mira's connection to the Ahmad crown?" Andy asked.

"No. She told me that all her family was dead, and she received a huge inheritance. She'd tell me and Gabriela stories about them but nothing else." Petre explained.

"So Imam called and?" "He asked me to come back, so I did," Mira said. "Why?" Ahsha asked. "You had your mate and your child. Why go back? Why risk the life you had to go back to Imam and if you say it's because he needed you—," Ahsha trailed.

"He was my friend and I felt I owed it to him to see what was going on. When I did get back he started to show me the affection I wanted from him." "Because he lost his mate." Petre snapped.

"He didn't want you for you. He wanted you because he had no one else and you fell for it." He added. Ahsha and Isa glanced at each other but said nothing.

"I loved him." She said. "But did he love you? I did. I loved you from the very moment I laid eyes on you. He only cared after he lost his mate." Petre said.

"So did you just never go back? You just left your mate? Your child?" I asked. "No, she came back," Petre said.

"She told me she didn't want to be with me anymore and that we couldn't be together. She said she still wanted to see our daughter, but she and I couldn't be. She refused to give me details on why things changed." He explained.

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