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I walked down the long hallway slowly staring at the door ahead. Once I reached the metal door, I looked through the small window seeing Pablo tied to a chair. I swung the door open and headed inside sitting a glass of blood on the table before sliding it to him. He slowly raised his head looking at the glass. "Now if I untie you, I'll get you some more," I said. "If you can behave, that is," I added. "Fine." His voice came out hoarse and barely above a whisper. I signaled one of my men to untie him. Once his wrists were free, he took a moment rubbing them before looked up at me. "Is Ahsha okay?" he asked.

"I would never hurt her," I said making him scoff before he began coughing. He cleared his throat. "I suggest you take the glass. You sound like you need it." I said. "Because you've kept me locked down here for who knows how long." He spat. "Would you have preferred I'd kill you?" I asked. "Is that what you did with Sergio?" he asked before drinking his blood. "He safe. My problem isn't with him." I explained. "So that's what this is? Your punishing me. What for because I chose to separate myself from you two or because Ahsha loves me?" He asked.

"You abandoned us and for some asinine reason Fate seems to think you deserve to be with my mate." I snapped. "I did not abandon you, either of you. I tried to get you to call down, to see that havoc you were causing was not necessary but neither of you wanted to listen. Just because we are demons does not mean we lose our right to choose. I didn't want to continue indulging in my vices I wanted better." Pablo said. I stared at him. "The only reason you feel so threatened by me is because you know that deep down you know Ahsha feels the same way and because Malik loves her. He would do anything for her and that includes binding your powers or worse banishing you completely." He spoke.

"And we both know that being alone and forgotten terrifies you." He added. I smiled pressing my fist into the table leaning close as I stared him down. "It seems that you think you still know Malik and I. Well I can assure that you don't." I began. "You seem to have made up your mind to believe that I've done all of this by myself." I said watching as he searched my eyes. "Maybe in the beginning I made some of the more difficult decisions but who do you think came up with the idea to bring you down here, hmm?" I asked. He remained stoic no emotions showing across his face. "You are alive right now because of your connection to Ahsha and our love for her, nothing more." I added.

"You're so scared that she'll love me more that you—both of you think you'll lose her. Because if one thing is for sure if Ahsha is pushed to her limit the love she may have for either of you will not make her stay. When she truly sees the depths of your darkness she will run." He said. I stared at him before scoffing. "Make sure our guest here has his daily glass of blood and nothing more. We wouldn't want him to wither away." I said before looked at Aaron and Khalil. "And I'll let you in on a little secret. Ahsha's pregnant." I said watching as his eyes met mine.


It had been a little over a week since I told Malik and Ares about the baby. They were both extra cautious when it came to me now. They had begun clearing a room for baby and in a couple of days we were supposed be going shopping for baby furniture. Today however I was at my parents' place lying on the couch with my baby brother Liam while Nuri was laying with my baby boy, Louis in the love seat. "Well don't you three look comfortable." My mom said as she came in the living room smiling. I chuckled. I had been out with my sister and brother all day and we finally got back about 2 hours ago. "They just their big sister, right?" I asked. "Yep." Nuri said with a smile on her face. Liam didn't even acknowledge me he just snuggled closer to me. "I'm probably going to have to head out soon cause it getting late. Can I leave Louis here and I can come get him tomorrow?" I asked looking at my mom.

"Of course. You know we love Louis." She said scratching his head. I went to move Liam, but he clung to my shirt whining. "Liam, I have to head home." I said lightly rocking him. "No." he pouted. "I'll be back, I promise." I said but he didn't let go. "How about I stay for bedtime okay?" I asked. He nodded his head.

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