Chapter 7 - Dreams.

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A/N - Let me know if you have any ideas for this. I need dramatic ideas for Chlax & Charlom.

Hope you like

Charlotte and Tom had found looking after three kids hard but they had the support of everyone. That day Charlotte was going over to Chloe and Max's as it was half term, Aubree and Isla were with Rachel. "Tom, I'm off" Tom came into the hallway holding TJ "I'll see you later" Charlotte kissed him before walking out the house.

Arriving she saw they were in as both cars were there, she remembered what Chloe and Max said, just walk in so she did, she noticed the living room was empty she walked into the kitchen and flushed red with embarrasment Chloe and Max were at it in the kitchen , she quickly turned and walked out, she would wait 5 minutes and then knock the door.

The 5 minutes went so Charlotte walked up the path and rang the doorbell. Chloe came to answer "hey" Charlotte smiled "hiya" Chloe moved out the way and Charlotte came in "where's Max?" Chloe grinned "he's doing something" Charlotte nodded she knew exactly what kind of problem Max had.

A couple hours later Charlotte decided she needed to go home "I'll see you later Chloe" Chloe smiled "I'll see you out" Charlotte nodded and Chloe walked to the door with Charlotte "how's things with you and Tom?" Charlotte sighed "difficult, we're trying to make a go of it for the girls and TJ but I just don't know anymore" Chloe smiled "don't dwell on it, things'll sort themselves out" Charlotte hugged Chloe and left.

When Charlotte had gone Max pushed Chloe against the front door "where were we?" Chloe grinned "I believe we were doing it in the kitchen" Max smirked and took Chloe upstairs.

Charlotte returned home and it seemed that all three kids were asleep, she walked into the kitchen and saw Tom standing and on the kitchen table there was a meal "Tom?" Tom smiled "I need to apologise for what happened the day TJ was born" Charlotte smiled "come sit" Charlotte sat and they began eating. A few hours later Charlotte and Tom went to bed together "I love you Tom Clarkson" Tom kissed her "I love you too".

The Next Day

Charlotte couldn't believe the dream she had about her and Max having sex, she knew it was only a dream but it scared her. She went downstairs and saw Tom "morning gorgeous" Charlotte turned and went back upstairs. She took out her diary and wrote in it -

I had a dream I had sex with Max. I know it won't happen but it scared me in case I cheat on Tom, I don't want too. In a way I kind of enjoyed it. He's Chloe's husband and they're madly in love. I never want another dream like that again :(


Closing her diary she left it open on the bed and went downstairs. Tom went up and saw the diary on bed, he knew he shouldn't read it but he did, Charlotte had a dream about having sex with Max, that didn't mean she would cheat on him. He walked downstairs and saw Charlotte sitting on the sofa "I saw what you wrote in your diary" Charlotte frowned "why read it?" Tom sighed "it was there, I'm sorry" Charlotte looked away "look, just because you had a dream about something doesn't mean it's gonna happen in reality" Charlotte turned to him "but it's Max, he's Chloe's husband, Aubree and Isla's Dad. What if I was to cheat though Tom?" Tom kissed her "you won't, I know you won't" Charlotte looked at him "I'm scared though in case I do" Tom kissed her again "not possible" Charlotte sighed and snuggled in with Tom.

Chloe and Max were on the sofa watching TV "when are the gis back?"  Chloe smiled "tomorrow" Max nodded "one more night of us then" Chloe grinned as Max kissed her passionatley on the lips. Later on that night Chloe had fallen asleep so Max got the fleece blanket and placed it over them and he fell asleep not long after.

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