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Milile pov:

Bhuti : "Milile. I want us to talk." He says after waking me up. Well yesterday Sanele dragged both me and Pule after I told who I had came with, anywho he dragged us to his house. I slept in Sandy's room and Pule slept in mine.

Me : "What do you want to talk about?" I ask with my eyes closed as my head pounds.

Bhuti : "Drink this first." I take it

Me : "Is this a raw egg?!"

Bhuti : "Just drink it Milile."

Me : "Why?"

Bhuti : "It will help you with the hangover." I nod then gulp this thing. I go wash my face then brush my teeth in the bathroom. I find him sitting on the bed that's now cleaned up.

Me : "What did you want us to talk about?" I ask sitting far from him.

Bhuti : "I just want to clarify somethings..."

Me : "If it is about our arranged marriage nonsense then don't bother bhuti. I don't see you like that and never will anyway. You will always be a brother to me and i will always be your sister. Please don't even mention us being together as lovers."

Bhuti : "I understand."

Me : "And for the record, I don't care if you believe me or not but I didn't get pregnant willingly. Your friend, Jabu raped me." He frowns.

Bhuti : "No. Jabu would never do that, he's like your older brother since he's my friend."

Me : "So you saying, I'm lying?" he shakes his head.

Bhuti : "No but you must be mistaken. He did once mention that you told him you had a crush on him."

Me : "What?!"

Bhuti : "Look, let's leave that. I'm sorry for even snitching on you to mom and dad."

Me : "Sanele, we both know you are not. You knew exactly how Zamekile and your father would've felt reacted to the news so don't come her giving me fake sympathy!"

Bhuti : "Wena how would you have reacted after being told your wife was pregnant and you know you not responsible for that?! Huh?! So I was supposed to smile and be happy that another guy impregnated my wife?!"

Me : "Well maybe if you and your parents had a heart and were kind enough, I would have came forward and told how i even got pregnant in the first place."

Bhuti : "Well why did you keep quiet if you were really raped Milile?! huh?"

Me : "Would you or your parents have believed me?"

Bhuti : "Yes I might have believed but what about me? I was also hurt when I told on you. Try putting yourself in my shoes and understand me!"

Me : "Couldn't you have sat me down and talk politely? I will never forgive you and your stupid parents for killing my child and getting my sister killed!"


Me : "What?! What do you mean?!" He tries holding my hand but I yank it back.

Bhuti : "Listen.."

Me : "Can you kindly leave me alone? please." He exhales then walks out. After he walked out, a knock comes through and my sister walks in.

Me : "Can we please leave?" she shows me her bag, we both chuckle a little.

Pule : "I have already requested a ride and it's outside."


Pule : "Are you gonna tell me what all that was about?" she asks sitting next to me after we had just taken our showers.

Me : "That was..." Her phone rings disturbing us.

Pule : "It's dad." she says with her eyes out. We ignore his three calls until a message comes through "if you don't answer that damn phone, I will fly there and kick the both of you back home!"

Me : "Answer it." I say when it rings again

Pule : "Hi dad." she puts the phone on speaker.

Dad : "Niyahlanya nobabili?! Heh?!" (Are you both crazy?!) He shouts

Pule : "Dad, calm down. What is happening?"

Dad : "What the heck were y'all doing in that boy's house?! Huh?! Milile!!!" I choke on my saliva when I try swallowing it

Pule : "Dad. We are fine and..."

Dad : "Pack your bags and catch the next flight home cause it seems like Cape Town is making y'all crazy!"

Pule : "But baba I haven't even enjoyed my birthday and weekend off."

Dad : "Tomorrow morning, y'all better be in that flight back here." he hangs up.

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