Life of a Dominant Futanari Week 2 Chapter 50/ 21: Walking fun

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My alarm went off, and I moaned, moving with softness surrounding me. I felt soft skin with each movement, and although the alarm was annoying me, I smiled. My eyes opened, and I looked at Alex in front of me, who seemed to have slid down during her sleep and was resting on my breasts. Her eyes were now half-open with a frown when her eyes met mine though I noticed her start to smile.

"Hey," Alex said. The grin turned to a frown for a moment as I felt her legs slide up my leg a little. Even as the alarm continued, I knew the reason for that frown was from me. Alex had only lost her virginity yesterday morning, and last night I let loose quite hard inside her, much to her delight. That didn't mean that there wouldn't be consequences to those actions, though, and Alex winced as I moved to reach towards the phone.

I quickly grabbed it even as I slightly smothered Alex with my breasts and silenced the alarm. I heard a groan behind me from my girlfriend as I laid back down. From what I knew, Crystal wouldn't wake up to this small alarm without slightly more activity around her. I smirked, turning to her, and noticed Crystal completely out of it despite the alarm. I knew she probably registered it, but her body simply didn't want to wake up. I was fine with that as I would feel a little guilty if I constantly woke her up completely every time I stayed here.

I looked back to Alex, who looked back up at me with a grin and asked, "So, What's next?"

"Well," I began to reply. "First, we get you into the shower and put some hot water on you to help with any swelling you might be experiencing," I said, thinking about it. I wasn't sure how best to deal with absolutely destroying a girl's Hymen the day before, but I knew she seemed to feel better after the hot baths. This wasn't something they taught in sex education in our country, though. In fact, I remembered it was mostly that we shouldn't be having sex and that I should take a chastity pledge.

I winced, thinking about how far out of bounds that I went from that, and thanked my lucky stars that I had a mother that was a little more liberal about teaching me about sex. This was ironic to me since I know how unsatisfied she was with her sex life. Still, My mother went over all my sexual organs and taught me about both the things men and women went through. After that, I more or less taught myself through porn, although vanilla stuff.

All that aside, though, I looked down at the beautiful girl looking up at me with half her face buried in my breasts, making herself at home. I could see the smile on her face despite any pain or soreness that she was feeling. I pushed her off non the less and started to crawl out of bed. I heard a groan of disappointment behind me, and I knew it was Alex.

She didn't have to wait long to get a response out of me as I came back to the bed. "Come on, I need to get some food, and we need to get ready for school. I want to get some running in before I get to my appointment with a little sissy that needs training," I told Alex simply while walking over.

"Oh, You are going to have even more sex after last night?" Alex asked, her tone curious.

"Yeah," I responded as I helped her get off the bed and onto her feet as I continued to respond, "I never feel like I am out of fuel, to be honest. I took pity on your body and my own since I know I need sleep at one point to stay healthy." I finished that with a smirk as Alex was now on her feet, and with each step, she seemed to wince, but I could feel that the girl was overall happy with the situation.

Alex was someone I didn't get at this point. I started to learn already that this girl was sensitive to understate the actual amount. The clear thing was that I had only known her a little privately and had never interacted with her outside of dominating her, except for Volleyball.

On the Volleyball court, though, I felt a no-nonsense vibe from her as she was focused. That was a brief thing, though, since I hadn't interacted with her on the team much either. The grin that paused for a wince as I brought her to the shower continued, and I knew that my assumptions about her overall happiness weren't wrong as I brought her inside, which she smirked, "Joining me?" Alex asked, and I raised an eyebrow. I could feel her goading me to do something to her, and her body was sexy. I was very much tempted, but instead, I put the full power flick right between her eyebrows, making her cry out at a sudden slight pain on her forehead.

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