Pt. 58: Craving

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Lena POV

Upon reaching to Caitlyn's lab or nest according to Nia, I knock her door to announce our arrival. "Caitlyn, can we come in?"

Caitlyn's moves her attention from her table to greet us with a war smile. "Lena, Kara. Come in, have a seat. Sorry it a little bit mess."

"Better than my office though. I mean, I work with designs, so can't avoid those papers and fabrics." Kara explaining her situation.

"I understand."

Kara and Caitlyn shows weird faces. "Really? You understand?" Caitlyn asks.

"Wanna try again?"

"Okay, I don't understand much. My work mostly includes online meeting, meeting, presentation, signing document, emails. 90% screen. Okay?" I defeat.

Kara smiles in victory. "There you go. Caitlyn, we're from Lena's appointment with her doctor and here is her medicine." She gives Caitlyn my medicine and Alex, Grace comes in.

"Hey guys. Good to see you guys here." Alex greet us and Kara hugs them.

"How are you feeling, Lena? Everything okay? Is Kara treating you well?" Alex asks rapidly and Kara cuts her off. "Of course I'm treating her well. So well. How are you two? I heard you two bickering about us."

"Nia told you? I was nothing. We just haven't had our morning coffee that's all. Right, aunt Alex?" Grace trying to dodge and Alex agree. "Yeah. You know me. The before coffee me."

Caitlyn went through my medicine. "Lena, you were having back pain? Muscle sore?"

I nodded. "Yeah, just recently."

"Kara, you said you treating her well. How is she in pain? How Lena-" Caitlyn cuts her lecture. "Chill Alex, she's pregnant. It happened, okay. There's nothing much Kara can do."

Alex back off "I just looking out for her."

Kara gasp. "I am your sister! That's hurt, ouch." Alex playfully push her sister "Cut the drama." We all giggles.

"Thank you. It is nice to have people care about my well-being."

"We all care about you Lena. Don't worry, we have each other. Right? I mean you practically carrying my niece and it's kinda weird since the adult version is here."

"Hey maa, wanna go training?" Grace asking Kara and she unsure and looking at me. "It's okay, I have free time all day today. Go have fun with Grace and Alex."

"Thank you! Thank you! I won't be long. I promise. Alex, do you have-"

Alex pulling them to the training room "Yes, I have spare change Kara. Now, come on!"

Caitlyn looking at me "Still adjusting?"

"Yes! My life turns completely since then. How fast everything changes within just months."

Caitlyn continue "and soon you have your own little family. And it such a beautiful thing that ever happen in life."

I sigh slowly, smiling, stroking my bump while thinking of the future. "Yes, you're right. But right now I'm hungry. Are you hungry?"

"I actually missed my lunch so, yeah I'm starving."

"Great. Get Nia, I'll order in."

Kara POV

"Alex, where's Sara? I haven't seen her for a while. Did you guys break up?" I ask while sparring with Grace and she let out a chuckle.

Alex sounds offended. "Break up what? There's nothing to break. She just has one last job with her team before she settles here with us."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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