Pt.19: are you okay?

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Kara POV

While I was washing my hands, I hear some announcements about theme park will be close and have some emergency, cars honking and the doors close. When I'm about to go out, I almost fell and there is some loud explosions nears. Then the lights are out.

"Oh my God, what happened?!" I try to run outside but I was held by a man. After arguing, I kick his dick quite hard and run outside.

Once I get out, I only see some lights and dust caused by the explosion. I keep on running to go take my phone because in my mind, I just wanna tell Alex and Lena. Then I hear someone yelling my name, and it was a familiar voice. Turn around and I see "Lena..!" When I about to reach her, that man yells to stop or he'll shoot. We stop then Lena try to persuade him.

"Who ever you are, just let her go. She's innocent. I know you are working with Lex. Trust me, he just using you to do his job so his hands won't gets dirty."

"How do you know that he is using us? You're the one who greedy little lady and heartless, won't share with her own brother. Well at least we get paid to do so."

"If I was greedy then I'm more rich than Lex and I can pay you double, triple in fact to do the same thing. If I was heartless, we would not just stand here talking, I'll better push her so I can get away."

Nia reach and also pull out the gun. "Nia?! What are you doing?!"

"I'll tell you later." She speaks to someone "I found them, track my location." Slowly she walks toward Lena.

"Please put down the gun and surrender. You've been surrounded!"

"Never!!" He pulls up his gun towards Lena, Nia and I run as fast as we can to save Lena but then I hear another gunshots. I just stand there stop dead in the track. I hear people yelling my name. Yeah, that's Lena's voice and that's my sister's.

Lena POV

I was reading to be shoot by him but then he turn his hands towards Kara and pull the trigger. Nia shoot him then Alex come and beat him to death, maybe she saw he shot Kara.

Ignoring them, I go to hold and hug Kara. She falls into my arm and I lay her down. I see the blood right below her stomach. She's bleeding. I keep on whispering that she's going to be fine, her eyes still open but she doesn't move. I hug her to my chest, she touch her wounded spot and see the blood.

At the same time, Nia calls the medical team and try to calm Alex down. Then a girl come, she looks at us, and pulls Alex.

"He shot Kara! He shot my sister! He touched her Sara..!"

"Yes I know, I saw. He's dead Alex."

"Hey its okay Kara, you okay, you're going to be fine.."

"It hurts. So bad." She whisper.

"I know, I know.. Please Kara, please don't sleep yet.. We are going to the McDonalds later, you want that happy meal remember..? Stay with us Kara... stay..."

"Are.... yo... you... okay?" She's whisper.

"I'm okay Kara, I'm okay, you okay..."

Nia stands up and gets shot on the left shoulder. Lex has send another two of his men out. Then we saw Alex and Sara fighting them while protecting us behind their back. Jonn arrived with the medical team and shoot the bad guys. They have been caught, Kara and Nia were brought to the SPP lab.

I swear if anything happen to Kara, I'll put you down in hell Lex!

Alex POV

Almost 2 hours passed and I loose it. I go punching and kicking the walls and Sara come to calm me down.

"Alex, Alex... hey calm down.. she's going to be fine..."

"How do you know that Sara?! How?!"

"Because she is one hell of a strong woman like you! She'll be fine, she is sunshine..You need to trust her, and when she wake up you will be by her side."

"I'm sorry..Thank you Sara.." I hug her and we sit down. Then Sara points at Lena.

"And you. I don't know who you are but you are going to buy a happy meals for her later. You've promised. I am Sara by the way..."

"Lena.. I'll buy her anything, and if I don't, kill me. It's better than being kill by my own brother."

"What do you mean?" Sara asked and I answered because Lena looks like she still in shock.

"She is my client that I told you. Lena Luthor. Her brother trying to kill her and shot Kara."

"That's hurt. You are going to buy more happy meals for them." She try to enlighten the mood.

"Nahh, burger yes but I'm not gonna eat kids menu. You wanted it, just admit it Sara Lance.."

"I am an assassin for god sake. Why would I have a kids menu?!" We laugh a bit, then the doctor finally come out of the operation room.

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