01. The Things To Do For Independence

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„Stolas, for the last time now – stop dropping into our office whenever you please! I'm WORKING here!"

„Oh, come on now, Blitzy... Octavia is busy out with your Loona, you got my book to work with and I'm bored alone at home!"

„You just said it yourself, Stolas. I'm BUSY WORKING! I can't babysit your bored ass all the time!" Blitz is glaring at the owl-demon, leaning with his hands on his desk to appear more serious and properly annoyed.

Stolas gives him 'that look' again, „Ooooh, but you babysit my ass so well, Blitzy! And even better than that..."

„STOLAS!" cries Blitz now really frustrated and slams a fist on the table, „That's it! Now get out! You'll end up scaring my clients away with your pervert talk!"

„Oh, I'd say that they don't deserve your service if they get driven away by THAT..."

Blitz and Stolas both turn to look at the door.

While the royal visibly turns alert at once, Blitz just tilts his head to the side, looking at the tall, wide-grinning demon with the strange stick in his hand and a red dimmed monocle in front of his right eye, who's standing in his office door.

„So, I take it the fact that you overheard our conversation and still refused to leave means that you're either desperate for our services yourself... Or an even bigger pervert and voyeur than him here," Blitz points at Stolas, grinning at the owl-demon during this.

But the other gives him a strange, almost upset look. One, which he's never seen with him before...except of...

„I assure you; my interests are spread broadly..." the newcomer grins even more (if possible) and comes closer to them. His walk is elegant and his voice – although sounding strangely interrupted with what sounds like radio statics – is pleasantly friendly and calm.

Blitz finds this strangely charismatic and somewhat overtaking.

He returns the smile and points invitingly at the second chair in front of his desk, „Well then, how can we help you, Mister..."

„Alastor," the other smiling tilts his head now as well, „I'm sure you have heard of me?"

Blitz shrugs and shakes his head, „I don't think so, no. Sorry?"

He notices Stolas' disbelieving gaze and wonders why he always manages to make him feel dumb.

He grits his teeth and focuses at his new client again.

„Well, I'm a rather busy man, so maybe your fame slipped past me?"

Alastor laughs lowly, softly, „Apparently it did. But that's no problem. All you need to know is that I'm an entertainment- and businessman. So a lot like yourself, Blitz, with a silent 'o', am I right?"

Blitz finally sits down in his own chair as well now and leans back, eyeing the other, „You know more about me than most of my clients..."

„Well, as I said, I'm a businessman. And just like you, I started small, but...let's say, by now I'm a rather big fish. And you, my dear friend have developed your business quite a bit over the past time as well."

„Blitzy..." Stolas searches Blitz' eyes, trying to warn him through his body language.

But Blitz is still a little miffed and anyway, this Alastor guy is rather charming and obviously very understanding in his business.

„Stolas, as you can see, I've got business. We may finish our conversation later on."

„But Blitz..."

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