38. Vest And Shirt

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That's the only thing running through his mind when he now pushes his way through the crowd of farmers and other attendees of the Harvest Moon Festival.

'Idiot! He feels safe here because it's the same every year... Bullshit!' he thinks to himself, his heart beating up to his throat at the thought that Striker might be faster than him. He lost precious time, taking Moxxie downstairs to go and help Millie and have himself get checked as well and ordering Loona to look after both imps. But they're family too and he needed to make sure that they'll be okay, even if... Wait. 'Too'?! But Stolas isn't...

Blitz pushes these distracting thoughts away, along with two imps standing in his way.

There's the stage! He can see no blood or holes of shooting or anything. That's good! Now where is...

„Uh, Blitzyyyy!"

The imp shortly closes his eyes. He's trying his best to fight his relief at hearing the sickish sweet voice of the owl-demon and replace it with annoyance again. But this time, it doesn't really work.

„I was already wondering where you've been! I couldn't see you among these nice imps down there," Stolas smiles at him, waving at an imp child, standing next to the stairs, the prince is slowly descending now to join the assassin.

„'Nice'. Hmhm. Sure..." Blitz rolls his eyes, now really annoyed by the other's ignorance, attempting to cross his arms, but wincing at the pain rushing through his body, speaking on with gritted teeth, „If you find it 'nice' that one of them tried to shoot you just a few minutes ago! Sure. It's nice. So NICE!"

„Shoot me?" Stolas tilts his head, looking around, as if looking for anyone attempting to kill him, then back down on the imp, „Surely you are mistaken, Darling? I mean, I don't..."

„Oh, for fuck's sake, I've been wrestling with this JERK Striker to keep him from putting a holy bullet in your thick skull, but of COURSE, your Highness is completely oblivious to that and doesn't see any problem or danger AT ALL as long as it's not right in front of him!" Blitz shakes his head to himself.

Why was he even worried before?

It's not like...


It's been a long day.

Too long...

„Blitzy... Are you serious? This is no roleplay or anything?"

„Roleplay?! Okay, that's it!" Blitz turns away, his face burning.

Why did he run here? Why did he CARE so much? Why did his heart feel like tearing itself apart at the thought of Striker beating him here and finishing what Blitz and Moxxie stopped him from doing before?


He winces at the gentle hand, suddenly touching his shoulder. He blinks and looks up into Stolas' face. He would love to punch him, just for being so careless and oblivious again today. But he feels far too exhausted for that...

„Blitz. Tell me what happened. I don't really understand yet..." Stolas' voice is soft, but not so sickishly sweet, the way it becomes when he wants something from the imp. No. This sounds more...caring?

Blitz shakes his head and shrugs his hand off, wincing again at pain shooting from his chest in his entire body, „Forget it. You're fine obviously and..."

„Why should I NOT be fine?"

„Are you fucking with me?! Do you listen to me at all?! Striker was in Millie's parental house and had a fucking sniper rifle pointed straight at your head while you played portal-open-up with the moon and these farmers here! Moxxie and me had trouble handling him because fuck that guy is stronger than he looks and playing dirty! We fought and everything was complete chaos and when Loona came to help us, it only got worse and he got aw-"

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