15. Milkshakes And Babies

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„Hm... What? I'm... I'm up... I'm up!" Blitz yawns but finally opens his eyes, rubbing them and sitting up, „What's wrong, Moxxie?"

„Nothing. I...guess..."

„You wouldn't wake me for 'nothing'. Is it your wound? Where... Where are the others?"

„I don't know. That's why I woke you..." the smaller imp is sitting in front of him, now pointing at his waist, „And because my injury is gone... As are the wounds on your arms, I suppose..."

„Alastor..." Blitz doesn't know whether to feel relieved or even more worried, he jumps up and eyes his friend, „You feel completely fit again?"

„Yes. As if I've never been injured in the first place. If Alastor actually did this..."

„It must've cost him immense energy... Hopefully, Stolas and Millie are with him. Come on, let's go find them!" Blitz rips off his own bandages from his arms and jumps off the bed, closely followed by Moxxie, wondering aloud, „Why didn't they wake us?"

„They probably wanted us to get some more rest... Maybe Alastor's healing energy put us into such a deep sleep..." Moxxie is running along next to his friend and notices his nervously twitching tail, „Blitz. Stop feeling guilty."

„Am not."

„Stop lying. And stop blaming yourself. We don't even know whether anything bad happened. I don't think so. They probably went to leave us some more quiet time! By the way...where are you leading us?"

„I..." Blitz blinks slowly, letting his eyes move along the hallway for a second, „Apparently...to Sto's library..."

„Well, I don't expect a fight there. So you can calm down a little."



„Oh, fuck you..." the taller imp wipes with the back of his hand over his eyes, stopping in front of the great double door to the house library.

Moxxie smiles softly and reaches out to squeeze his arm, „It's okay. You know that everything is all right. And some things simply aren't in your control. They never will be. But you do your best to handle even these things. And we're thankful for that."

„Yeah... Enough sugarcoating me, Mox. Let's get in there and make sure..." Blitz pushes the doors open and freezes the very same moment his eyes fall onto the scene in the huge hall room, „What...the...FUCK?! What are you guys thinking you're doing right now!?!"

„Blitzy?" Stolas' head jerks up, „You're awake! How are you..."

„You fucking idiots aren't seriously practicing magic right now?! After everything you've been through just hours ago!?" Blitz stomps closer to the group, his arms crossed, looking genuinely pissed right now, „I'm gonna drag your asses to the bed and tie them down in a definitely not kinky way if I don't get a fucking good reason for this madness within the next twenty seconds! And you support this, Millie!"

„Try to keep them off their damn books if they set their mind to something, B! I tagged along to reduce damage!" she pouts at her boss, stealthily trying to push the book in front of herself away with her tail.

„Very funny, Mils. Nobody would dare to contradict you, if YOU set your mind to something. And I saw that, by the way," Blitz gives her a scolding look, then he looks at Alastor, „You! First you heal Mox and me without our permission! Then you sneak off, not only risking a sudden energy collapse, no, you even spent even more energy on...flames and other voodoo-stuff here! And where the fuck are your antlers?!"

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