44. Just A Normal Morning Really

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„...I should've realized how deep this abuse actually went much sooner... Fuck, I could've done more to help him..." Blitz wipes his eyes and then caresses his husband's face with trembling fingers.

„Blitz... That's nonsense. Can't you see what you did these two times alone? – You made him understand that he was perfect the way he is, that he mustn't think of himself as bad or weak. Remember, how Stolas keeps putting it himself? – You gave him the tools he needed to get away from Stella, Blitz. Of course he needed time. But he did manage. On his own. Thanks to YOU," Alastor gently squeezes the imp's shoulder now, „You did everything you could, Blitz. Like you always did and do."

Blitz swallows hard, but nods weakly, then he exhales slowly, nods stronger and bows down to place a soft kiss on Stolas' forehead, right between his second pair of eyes, whispering, „You are wonderful, Stolas. Never forget that, no matter what. I love you."

Alastor smiles softly, gently stroking Blitz' back for a moment, before pulling his hand back, just looking at his friend when he now straightens again.

They look at each other for a few seconds, before Alastor speaks up, „I think it's a good idea to teach them how to defend themselves, Dear. And I also think...you..." he sighs softly, „...are right... I can't go back to living the way I did before. So yeah... I'll join your defending-class, just as I will try to get to know Husker better when I've returned to Pentagram City completely again."

„Huh... I was afraid I shocked you with everything I just told you, but...apparently, it did you well, just like it was good for me to get this off my chest..." Blitz chuckles softly and then grins wryly, „Maybe I should tell you even more of our sex life?"

„Don't make me regret following your order to come here, Blitz of the Goetia Ars."

„Are you going to use that name every time now, when I tease you?"


„Okay," Blitz laughs softly, then he pulls the radio demon into a hug again, nuzzling him, his voice soft, „Thank you, Alastor. For everything."

„Hmmm... Blitzy?" Stolas sleepily blinks his eyes open and feels his heart filling with warmth at seeing Astrea suckling on her mother's breast barely inches in front of him.

„Heyyyy, Sleeping Beauty finally woke up," Blitz' soft voice is accompanied by his hand tenderly caressing the owl-demon's head, „How are you feeling, Handsome?"

„Honestly? Still tired..." Stolas blushes and smiles weakly, before placing a soft kiss on Astrea's forehead and then shuffling higher to rest his head against Blitz' neck now, sighing softly, „What time is it?"

„Somewhat around midnight, I think."

„What? I... Fuck, how long did I sleep?!?"

„Apparently not as long as you needed to, Sto," Blitz wraps an arm around him, kissing his head, „Close your eyes again, Babe. It's okay. You need this now."

„But what about you?"

„I slept as well until a few minutes ago. Then Astrea got hungry and she started to cry."

„She... I..." Stolas pushes himself up now, his arms trembling with the effort of keeping himself upright, „I didn't even wake up from that?!"

„Stolas. It's fine. She barely made a sound and you were practically unconscious. Hey!" Blitz cups his face, searching his eyes, his voice firm, „You are a GREAT father, Stolas! Get that other thought right back out of your pretty head! I'm having none of that right now! You took care of our daughter while I recovered from birth and that pentagram-shit! Never forget that!"

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