60. Alcohol

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„I will destroy him!"

„You will do none of that, Stella!" Stolas can feel heat boiling up in his stomach.

„Oh, you have NO idea! That fucking imp destroyed our marriage!"

„He did no such thing! We did that all on our own! Blitz has no fault! I have an affair with him, and am unfaithful to you like this, yes. But YOU have been abusing me since the first day we were forced into marriage!" Stolas' anger flares up more and more, „We could've talked about this! We could've tried to find an arrangement, to become at least remotely happy with the situation! But each time I tried, all YOU ever could and did was insult and degrade me even more!"

„Hah! It's not my fault that you're an insult to all men!"

„See?! That's EXACTLY what I'm talking about!"

„You weak, pathetic idiot! No wonder, the only thing that can bear to be with you is a tiny, dumb, weak imp!"

„He's NOT weak nor dumb! And he's no THING!" the owl-demon's face heats up with anger, turning crimson, „Blitz is the strongest, most capable and intelligent man I've ever met! He's TWICE the 'man' your arrogant brother could ever HOPE to be! And he's kind and warm-hearted and caring! But of course YOU wouldn't understand that, because you don't even know the meaning of those words, you ice-cold WITCH!"

Stolas is too caught up in his own anger to see the hand aiming for his face in time to dodge. The next second he feels his cheek and eyelid burning, and something hot running down his face.

„If you wouldn't be a member of the Goetia, you wouldn't stand a CHANCE in hell, Stolas! And I'm WARNING you! You better DON'T get between me and what I want anymore! Or you'll end up like your little fuck-toy will end up soon!" Stella sneers at him and turns around, heading out of the palace.

„You leave Blitz out of this, Stella!" Stolas can't hold back his tears, his face burning from the new injuries when the salty liquid runs over the wounds, „Stella!"

But the palace door is already slammed shut.

Stolas can't help it. He crying tumbles to the nearest wall. His heart is beating far too rapidly and he feels dizzy and shaky, but he reaches for his hellphone and, almost like in a dream, calls Blitz, wincing when mere seconds later, the imp picks up.

„For fuck's sake, Birdbrain! Do you have any idea what time it is?!"

„Blitz..." Stolas can't help his sobbing voice breaking.

„Stolas?" Blitz' voice immediately changes and there's a shuffling sound in the background, „What's wrong? What happened? Is anything wrong with Via?!"

Stolas shakes his head, realizing only after a moment that Blitz of course can't see that, so he stammers, „N-No. She's okay. B-But... I... I... I'm... I'm sorry, if I woke you up... I didn't..."

„Stolas," interrupts Blitz him softly, even more shuffling and the clinking of keys in the background, „Just tell me in one word now. – Do you need me to come over to you?"

Even more tears, but the prince whimpers softly, his voice barely audible, „Yes..."

„I'll be there in fifteen. Stay on the phone with me okay?" quick footsteps, then the imp audibly slams the door of his van shut and starts the motor.



„Please...drive carefully..."

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