31. Washing Machine

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Blitz showed up quite early, straight after work, like so often at this point already. And Stolas was so happy that he did take on his offer to shower and relax a little here, so he didn't have to first go home and then get back into the car to drive over to the palace. Especially since he could admire the imp returning from the bathroom then, still rubbing himself dry with a towel, purposely or not showing off his hot chest then more times than not...

But Stolas sadly couldn't focus on that today.

„What'cha doing there, Birdbrain?" Blitz comes over to his desk, where the prince is sitting, flipping through a book.

„As you know, I'm currently working on improving working conditions for the few employees I have left to take care of the house. So I gave the maid some well-deserved vacation..." Stolas stops when he feels Blitz standing next to him now, their sides brushing against each other as the imp tries to take a look at the book. The owl-demon glances at him. Bare torso again. Great, there goes his concentration...

„And?" Blitz turns his head to look at him.

He's in a good mood today, Stolas could tell immediately when he arrived here. Although he said that their job didn't go quite as well and smooth as expected...

„A-And now...I'm trying to figure out how to do the laundry..." stammers Stolas, blushing lightly at the way the imp is looking and grinning at him very lightly.

„Seriously?!" Blitz laughs out, then he suddenly jumps onto the desk, grabbing and closing the book while simply sitting down, his legs dangling down from the desk, his tail moving almost playfully through the air and he grinning moves the book in front of Stolas' surprised face, „You don't learn those things from books, Birdie."

„N-No?" Stolas unsuccessfully tries to fight his blush, his eyes not on the book anymore, but first roaming over the imp's body, until they fix and get stuck with his shining, mischievous eyes. Those damn, beautiful eyes... He swallows thickly, his voice a little shaking, „A-And how do you do it then? Learn it I mean!"

„Well..." Blitz drops the book into his lap and for a moment, it looks as if there's a light blush on his face as well, „Well, like you learn most things in life – you fuck up a few times and learn from it like this, until you get it right!"

„O-Oh..." Stolas looks down on the book in his lap, furrowing his brows and murmuring, „Via is going to kill me if I...fuck up her shirts..."

He can practically sense Blitz' eyes resting on him and can't help but feel incredibly stupid and...royally snobby again. Of course the imp has to think him a complete failure if he can't even do the laundry on his own! A typical royal asshole who can't do shit to take care of himself without employees!

„Well... Would be a shame for those shirts indeed..." murmurs Blitz suddenly, sounding almost thoughtful, before he suddenly jumps back down from the desk, grabs the book from Stolas again, carelessly throws it onto the table and then grabs his hand instead, „Come on. Show me."

„Show you...what?" the prince let's himself get dragged onto his feet but stares at the imp in surprise.

Blitz rolls his eyes and gives him a look that's supposed to be annoyed but can't fully hide his light amusement, „Your washing machine, Genius. So I can show you how it's done."

„You... You mean that? You'd really..."

„Of fucking course. It's not your daughter's fault that her dad is such a moron," the imp chuckles and smiles at the prince, making clear he doesn't mean to actually hurt his feelings, „And I suppose it's not really your fault if nobody taught you and you haven't had the chance to learn from mistakes yet. So come on now! If you still wanna fuck tonight, then we better get going!"

So the two of them spend over an hour in the washing room, in front of the washing machines. Blitz tells Stolas exactly how everything works and shows him some tricks, before letting him start his very first 'laundry-session' on his own, nodding approvingly when he's done and then giving him a coy smirk, telling him he did so well, he deserves a reward...

Needless to say, Stolas learns another benefit of washing rooms that night. But also one huge minus point when Blitz is just about to send him over the edge for the third time with his mouth.

„What in the blazes?!" Stolas sits up with a jerk and a pounding heart, „Is that a fire alarm?!"

„No, Silly!" Blitz laughs, stands up from between the prince's legs and simply pushes his hand onto his chest, nudging him back into the pile of dirty blankets and sheets on the floor, grinning soothingly, „That's the washing machine. It's done. Hang on."

„Oh, thank Satan!" Stolas falls back and puts an arm over his face, trying to hide his blush.

Blitz chuckles and goes over to the washing machine, opening it and taking the shirts out, his voice far too calm and casual for him having feasted on the prince mere seconds ago, „Now you simply put them in the dryer and put it into easy setting. You can go harder for sheets and stuff. But shirts should still be able to dry a little in the air on a hanger at best. They'll live longer like that and don't shrink. So... Stolas, are you paying attention?"

„Hm? Oh. Sure! Hanger! Shirts! Got it!" the prince giggles embarrassed and hides his face again.

Blitz rolls his eyes, smiling to himself, „Idiot. What got you all blushing and giggling anyway? It's not the first time, nor the strangest place yet for us having sex."

„It's not the sex. It's you."

Blitz frowns and crosses his arms in front of his chest, his tail snapping back and forth dangerously, „Listen, Birdbrain. Not all of us got butlers to carry their asses after them. And I got a daughter, so..."

„No! No, no! You got that completely wrong!" Stolas sits up and crawls over to the imp, kneeling next to him now, raising a hand to touch his shoulder, but stopping himself, his voice shaking, „I'm not laughing at you, Blitzy. I'm... I'm amazed by you."

„Yeah. Sure. You know what?! You can..."

„Blitzy," Stolas instinctively grabs both his hands now, holding on tight and searches the imp's eyes, „I mean it. You are right, I've grown up in a castle and don't know shit about the most normal, domestic things! But...I'm trying. For my daughter. And the fact that you offered to help me... To teach me something you do for YOUR daughter as well... It just... It makes me...happy. I'm sorry if I offended you! I honestly didn't mean to!"

Blitz, who tried to pull his hands free at first, now stills, looks at their hands for a moment and then exhales slowly, gently freeing his hands now, but looking at the owl-demon, „It's...okay. I overreacted a little as well. I'm just...normally facing mock and stuff for being so...domestic...and a single parent...for a hellhound that is also officially an adult... But I know...you're not like that. So yeah... Sorry for snapping at you like that..."

Stolas stares at him, his heart beating up to his throat. Blitz usually almost never is this open and...soft. The prince would love to dig into this opportunity and into the imp's feelings. But he also is aware of the risk to push the imp farer away than ever with this by activating his self-defense with one wrong question...

„Birdbrain. Hey. You got a stroke or something?" Blitz' voice rids the prince out of his thoughts, along with his hand on the owl-demon's arm, his eyes giving away a hint of worry, despite his best attempts, „Stolas!"

„Y-Yeah. Sorry. I was just... I..." the owl-demon blushes and tries a feeble smile, „I'm sorry, Blitzy. I just...thought how stupid it is to mock a father for being able to take care of his daughter, no matter her age. And I think this is really incredibly hot and attractive!"

He blushes again. This slipped out.

Blitz looks at him for a moment, then he points at the dryer, „Settings, then start. And then...we have about one hour in which you can show me just HOW attractive you really find this...before you fear another fire alarm," the imp grins.

Stolas blushes and grins as well. Oh, he'll use that hour wisely...

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