23. On My Side

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„For what?" puzzled, Stolas interrupts his gentle kneading of Blitz' hands to warm them some more, and searches his boyfriend's eyes instead.

The imp looks aside with a light blush, „For being so...extremely horny at the moment? I don't know... It feels like...I'm very..." he scratches his neck, „...Just tell me if it gets...annoying or..."

„Blitzy," Stolas chuckles softly, cups his cheek and presses their foreheads together, „Are you actually considering that I could not be extremely happy about every single time we become intimate in any way?"

„I... I don't... No... That's...probably..."

„...bullshit," Stolas laughs softly again, „Blitzy, I feel just as needy as you for some reason. More so than usual even. Maybe it's because we've finally reached a point where we can calm down and enjoy ourselves with everybody of our family finally being with us and safe again. Maybe it's the shared hormones of soon to be parents. Maybe it's just..."

„...the way we are and live in our relationship," Blitz grins now as well, finally relaxing again as well, cupping Stolas' face in return, „You're right."

„Of course, I am," Stolas snickers, „And I don't mind one bit if it stays like this for us. Promised."

„Good..." Blitz smiles softly again and then he nuzzles the side of his boyfriend's face, whispering, „Thank you for everything, Sto."

„Always, my Love."

Blitz happily closes his eyes for a moment, but when the next sharp winds start tearing at their clothes, he can't help a light shiver and murmurs, „Your idea of heating me up was great and successful, Sto, but I think now we should start our descent. I'm getting really cold again."

Stolas nods, having already expected that and pulls back, looking his boyfriend over, „Portal or regular way down?"

There's a spark again in Blitz' eyes, „Long as I can walk, always the regular way! Ready for that?"

„I think so, yes. But you lead. Down frightens me even more than up," Stolas smiles lightly, before pulling his imp into another short kiss, murmuring, „But with you I feel safe either way..."

Blitz' heart flutters in his chest, pure happiness giving him another warm boost, preparing his body for the climb down better than anything else could.

About ten minutes and a very slow descent later, Stolas sighs in happy relief when his feet finally hit solid ground again, „That truly was something. Fun! But still a little... Blitz!"

The imp is leaning against the trunk of the tree with one arm, holding the other hand up in a stopping motion, „I'm...okay... Just...gimme a sec...until the world stops spinning again..."

But Stolas is already kneeling down next to him, gently grabbing and holding his hand, while placing the other on his back, murmuring softly, „It's okay, Blitz. I'm here."

The imp manages a weak smile and closes his eyes, just breathing for a moment, before finally sighing softly, opening his eyes again and getting back into a straight stand, „Okay... I definitely need to eat something. I'm pretty sure that was just a very friendly warning of my body that I'll black out quite soon otherwise."

Stolas is still looking at him worriedly and opens his mouth to speak.

„DON'T dare to apologize or any of this shit now!" interrupts Blitz him immediately, before starting to smile again, lovingly squeezing his boyfriend's hand, „I promise that I'm fine, Sto. Just...get me into the kitchen, please?"

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