63. Just Five More Minutes, Please

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Blitz looks down on his still sleeping husband with a soft, happy smile. He has just changed Astrea's diaper again and fed her, now he's gently rocking her back to sleep. His chest fills with warmth at seeing her tiny yawn before nuzzling against his chest and he murmurs, „Sleep, my little princess. Your Daddy needs that as well. He'll make sure you're safe..." he carefully places his already dozing daughter right into his peacefully sleeping husband's arms, covering both with a blanket, „But Mommy needs to get up now and make sure the rest of the family is okay as well. Especially one of them..." he places soft kisses on each of their heads, loving the soft hoots they both emit at this.

Then Blitz silently slips out of bed, goes into the bathroom to freshen up and then gets dressed in comfortable clothes. After another short glance at his daughter and husband, he writes a note that he places right next to Stolas' phone on the nightstand: 'Good morning, my Life and wonderful daughter! I am very well, but a little restless again, so I went downstairs. But you stay here! I'll return soon with breakfast! You relax! And Sto, DON'T worry about me! I love both of you!'

Then he silently leaves the room, taking his own hellphone along, checking the time. It's around nine o'clock.

„Hey. You're up early... Everything okay?"

„Bee," Blitz looks up from his phone, smiling at the Deadly Sin, who apparently just came back from the bathroom, „Hey, nice pajama!" he grins.

„Right?! It's Tex'! I absolutely love it!" she giggles, but then tilts her head, „But are you avoiding my question here, Sweetie?"

„No, no. Don't worry, I'm okay. Although a few hours ago, Sto and I truly weren't, but...we worked ourselves out of the hole together again."

„Okay... Good. But you're rubbing your chest. Does it hurt?"

„It's nothing serious. I just fed Astry. Her teeth, you know. And sometimes..." he bites his bottom lip, „...It's...just a tense feeling... Mostly when she didn't drink for a while or...like right now, when she just drank from one side... Then the other one...just...feels...tight in comparison..."

„Understandable. There's still a lot of milk in there then. Especially for such small breasts. No offense."

„None taken," Blitz chuckles softly, but then tilts his head, „Okay, that...makes sense, of course... You...know a lot about that?"

„Not as much as Ozzie, I think, but you know we talk a lot," she chuckles, „But...I think I know what could help you... And it will also be practical for Stolas and Astrea in case you're not around and she gets very hungry..."

„What do you..."

„I'll show you. Wait," she takes out her phone, typing on it, „Huh. Oz is awake already. Perfect. Okay... He said he'll take care of it immediately and meet us in the kitchen then."

„Okay? So... Guess you're insisting on surprising me with...whatever?" Blitz smiles lightly, knowing how playful the Sin of Gluttony can be sometimes.

She nods and grins, „I'll go and change quickly. Tex is still sleeping and I'll let him, I guess... Meet you in the kitchen?"

The imp nods, „I wanna check on Alastor again, anyway. See you in a bit."

„Okay. Hey, Blitz."


„I'm glad you're okay."

„Thanks, Bee. Also for standing with us."

„Anytime, Sweetie," she winks at him and then disappears into her guestroom again.

Blitz smiles softly, happily about knowing he got so many loving friends...or rather family members.

Then he heads over to Alastor's room. He stands in front of it for a few seconds, listening whether he can hear anything from it. But it's almost awfully quiet.

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