14. Boiling Soup And Boiling Feelings

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The trio starts cooking together but soon, Blitz orders both demons to sit down because Alastor gets dizzy and nauseated again and Stolas' shaking gets worse, so he has to lean on the counter, his head starting to swim as well.

„And you two worry about ME..." the imp sighs softly while preparing their lunch – a hearty soup with extra raw demon flesh in a separate pot for Alastor.

„Yes, because you were barely able to calm down from your panic attack, Love," reminds Stolas gently while carefully, gently stroking Alastor's back who put his head on his arms on the table in front of them, groaning softly from time to time.

„Hm..." Blitz cuts carrots in thoughtful silence for a while. When he throws them into the big pot, he turns around afterwards, leaning against the counter in his back, „Remember when after you guys saved me and we talked about our feelings for each other and I said I need time until I can accept my own feelings and what we are?"

„...Yes?..." Stolas tries not to show his sudden nervousness, fearing the worst already.

„Well, fuck me and my inconsistent words!" Blitz suddenly laughs out, „I'm dreaming about having children with you! About spending eternity with you, Stolas! Fuck being cautious and waiting! We've lost enough time. You've waited long enough for me to finally be brave!"

The owl-demon exhales softly in relief smiling lovingly at his boyfriend, „You took the time you needed, Blitz. It's completely okay."

Blitz waves his hand at him, „Yeah, but I've had enough of this, Stolas. I want..." he looks down, takes a deep breath in, fixes his eyes on his boyfriend again and goes over to him, his tail twitching from side to side again, „...you."

„Blitzy..." Stolas blushes lightly but carefully points at Alastor, reminding his boyfriend that they can't do that to their poor friend.

Blitz raises his brow, then he laughs softly, „No, not like that! Well... Not right now anyway... No, Sto, what I meant was..." Blitz reaches him and gently takes his free hand, interlacing their fingers, „...I want to promise you something. But I need to know...will you remain honest with me?"

„Of course, Blitzy."

„No matter what I ask you?"

„Yes, Blitz. I promise."

„Good," Blitz smiles, obviously satisfied, then he suddenly drops down on one knee without letting go of his boyfriend's hand, „Stolas of the Ars Goetia..."

The owl-demon's body goes rigid and he stops breathing, his eyes huge, not daring to move or say anything.

„...I know this is completely crazy and might even appear rushed, but...I know myself and that if I hesitate too long now, my self-doubts and fear won't let me do this for the next twenty years or so... So forgive me if this is not romantic at all..." Blitz swallows hard, but he still smiles and holds Stolas' unbelieving gaze, his voice firm and secure, „Stolas Goetia, will you marry me?"

The prince stares at him for another second. Yes, he already guessed what Blitz was up to when he grabbed his hand and started looking at him like this. But hearing him ask THE question now still knocks the breath out of him.

Blitz knows that. And he gives him time, holding his hand and gaze unflinching.

„B-Blitz..." finally, Stolas finds his voice again, his thoughts clearing, „Blitz, is this...really what you want?"

„More than anything. Otherwise, I wouldn't ask, believe me," assures the imp softly.

„Then YES! Infinite times YES!" Stolas jumps up and wants to bow down to kiss his boyfriend.

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