12. Interfering Frequencies

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„This...is unexpected..." Stolas chuckles softly.

„Unpleasant too?"

„Not at all, my Love. Not at all..." the demon prince sighs softly and slips a little deeper into the bathtub.

Blitz smiles incredibly happy and satisfied with himself.

The two of them had some very nice, quick fun in the shower, then they switched to the bathtub and only there, Blitz revealed his 'ideas'. – He asked Stolas to lie back and close his eyes. Then Blitz slipped after him, simply sitting in his back now, making him lean against his chest. Then he started his assault, containing an incredible gentle massage and ruffling through his boyfriend's already soaked feathers.

Soon enough, Stolas was moaning for a completely different reason than just minutes before.

„Am I doing something right here?" Blitz grins.

„Oh, Blitzy... It feels amazing..." Stolas sighs again, his mind drifting off, „It helps against the itching..."

Blitz frowns a little, „So you already feel the side effects of the molt? Why didn't you say anything before? You shouldn't have strained yourself like that last night! If you..."

„Blitz. Last night was wonderful. And I felt nothing but pleasure, I assure you, my Love."



„I believe you. But still..." Blitz grabs conditioner and starts massaging it into Stolas' breast feathers, „...From now on you'll take it slow, you hear me? Not too much fucking and no straining. Otherwise, you'll fall weak with how little you eat at the moment!"

„Blitz..." Stolas chuckles softly, „You are so cute when you become all protective and caring. But I'm really fine. It's not my first molt, you know... They're unpleasant, but not dangerous, my Love, I assure you!"

„Not the molt itself maybe. But what about what I just said? The symptoms can weaken you quite badly, isn't that right?"

His boyfriend doesn't reply at once and when he does, he puts his hands on Blitz', „I promise I'll be fine, Blitzy."

„I know your 'fine', Sto. So, I'll take care of that myself from now on."

„Why does this sound more like a threat than a promise?" Stolas chuckles softly, caressing his boyfriend's hands that are still working his feathers.

„Because it is," Blitz kisses the back of his head, „But only for your own good, Sto. THAT I promise."

„I love you, Blitz."

„I love you too, Silly. Now shut up and let me brush all this fluff to relax you!"

About one hour later the fresh couple leaves the bathroom, wearing their bathrobes, holding hands and smiling at each other. Stolas' feathers look a little dull and still ruffled, because although Blitz really took good care of them, he refused to let Stolas put on a ton of feather-straightener and Satan-knows what else to look 'decent' as the prince put it. But he did help him to carefully remove some of the feathers that came already loose thanks to his tender massage before.

Stolas sighs softly when they now walk through the corridor back to the kitchen.

„What is it?" Blitz can't help but become worried again...although he probably never stopped being that since his boyfriend told him about the molt.

The owl-demon senses this and soothingly squeezes his hand, „It's just that I still feel insecure about my appearance, Blitzy... Do you really think...it's not that bad? I mean...will the others...see?"

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