41. Welcome To The Family

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„Blitz!" Stolas' head jerks up from where it's been resting next to Blitz' hand that he's been holding in his own for hours now already and has just been lightly twitching when the imp whispered their daughter's name.

„Moxxie! Wake up Alastor, please!" begs the prince, not even looking at the smaller imp to wait for the confirming nod, but instead immediately focuses on Blitz again, carefully caressing his face, his voice low and shaking, „Blitzy... It's okay... She's right here..." he carefully takes Blitz' other hand and gently brings it up, resting it on the tiny hybrid's body, that is lying right on her mother's chest, suckling on Blitz' tits, drinking milk from them.

The imp slowly stirs awake, his eyes blinking open, moving around unfocused for a moment, before coming to rest on the worried face of the owl-demon, mere inches next to him. A small smile washes over Blitz' face and he weakly squeezes the prince's hand, his other one slipping back down on the bed again, „Stolas... How's your...fever?"

„My...fever? Blitzy... Darling..." Stolas caresses his husband's face with trembling fingers, „I... I don't have fever..."

„Hmm... It's gone then? That's...good... I think...I might've...caught it...though... I feel...a little..." Blitz lightly shakes his head, mumbling, „...tipsy? Did you feel tipsy? I... Huh... I also had such a strange...dream... You wouldn't believe me if I..." he stops, the moment, Stolas once again very gently takes his hand and once more carefully puts it on their daughter's tiny body, holding it in place this time while locking eyes with his partner.

Realization flashes through Blitz' eyes and he gasps out weakly, looking down on his chest, „A-Astrea... M-My... Our daughter! Stolas!" he stares at the owl-demon, then he moves his other hand from Stolas', onto the back of his husband's head instead and pulls him down into a deep, passionate kiss.

Stolas is completely surprised at first, but then melts immediately, unable to hold back his tears of emotion and relief.

After almost a whole minute, Blitz pulls back, panting lightly, still searching his partner's eyes, „What did I miss? The last thing I remember is...a searing pain in my abdomen and handing you Astrea, then...nothing...except of pain and...finally a trip down memory lane again..."

„One thing after the other, my Star..." Stolas smiling caresses his face, „First of all, how are you feeling right now?"

„Good. Exhausted still and a little shaky, but otherwise...good..." Blitz returns the smile and kisses Stolas' hand, then he looks down on their daughter, still drinking his milk, his eyes lighting up even more, „It's actually working! And...her spikes aren't the only parts of her that are a little far developed already..." he winces lightly when Astrea bites into her mother's breast to increase the flow of milk, „She's got teeth, Sto. Sharp ones," he laughs softly.

Stolas smiling shakes his head and pushes their foreheads together, „My Blitzy..."

„Sorry it took so long! Mox tried his best, but apparently, I slept too deep and..." Alastor freezes in his light stumble into the almost completely dark room, his tired eyes visibly brightening at once, „Blitz! Oh, thank Satan!" he and Moxxie rush over to the bed, but stop right next to it.

„Guys, it's okay," Blitz chuckles softly, smiling at them, „You can touch and hug me as much as you like. I'm good! Just be careful with Astrea, please."

He doesn't have to say this twice and immediately gets hugged carefully by both of his friends.

Blitz gently, soothingly strokes over both of their heads now, then he looks at Stolas again, „I take it, you've all been through metaphorical hell because of me, hm? I'm sorry for that."

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