40. Thermometer

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„What are you looking at, Blitzy?"

Blitz winces and drops the picture, he's been studying, back onto the desk, turning around to face Stolas who's just returning from the bathroom.

The imp can't help but let his eyes wander over the other's, from the bath still damp, feathered body. He's not wearing anything and he doesn't have to. His feathers and anatomy in general cover every giving away part of his body.

Blitz knows that. Like he also knows that the other's lean frame is betraying the muscles hiding beneath his feathers. He almost grins at the thought of him being the only one in all of hell to know this.

But he doesn't grin. Instead, he now tilts his head and crosses his arms in front of his chest, eyeing the prince for a moment, before shaking his head, „Why didn't you tell me to stay away?"

„I'm...sorry... But...you asked me whether I was at home, so...I thought you WANTED to come over..." Stolas is giving him this cute puzzled look again.

„Yeah, Birdbrain. But you could've said that you didn't want me over today. You know...being sick and all..." Blitz rolls his eyes, „How can you get sick, anyway?"

A small smile tugs at the prince's beak, „I'm not invincible, Blitz. Not even immortal, if you squint close enough..."

„Yeah... No need to remind me..."

„And just because I'm pretty immune to common bodily harm, doesn't mean that I can't get sick. Anyway, I..." Stolas swallows visibly and for a second it looks as if he's swaying a little, „...I like having you over... In fact,...it's very nice that you're here, I mean..." he rubs his hands together, „I actually was a little worried at first...that you might got hurt on a mission and needed help..."

„Nah. I'm fine," Blitz feels somewhat awkward. He knows they see each other at least four times a week by now and he REALLY tries not to think too much about this fact. But when he realized that it's Friday and that he's last seen the owl-demon on Monday, he suddenly got...quite uneasy and therefore texted him whether he could come over after calling it a day and sending all of his employees, including Loona into an early weekend. And when he got here, Stolas opened the door for him, looking all messed up and pale and stuff and this uneasy feeling got worse somehow... He had his usual shower after work and then Stolas excused himself to the bathroom as well, saying he felt all sweaty and...ugly. Blitz didn't like that word one bit. But he bit his tongue to not blurt out that the owl-demon still looked sexy as hell, even sick.

„You could've told me that I should stay the fuck away, you know. You need...rest. Not a visitor," he looks at the prince again, who's uncharacteristic quiet as well.

Stolas nods, shakes his head and then runs his hand over his head, „I'm...sorry. You're right. I should've told you! You could get infected! You should've stayed away! I'm such an idiot!" he groans and shakes his head again, tugging at his head feathers with both hands.

„Hey, that's bullshit!" Blitz comes over to him, noticing the tremble in the other's body, „I was talking about you needing peace and quiet, not about me worrying to get sick."

„But I could infect you! I didn't think straight..."

„You never do, Birdie," Blitz smirks, sure to get the other to smile like this, as he always does.

But Stolas apparently didn't only lose his health, but his sense of humor as well and he shakes his head again, trying to suppress a cough, „You should...leave..."

„Uhu. Nah. I'm already here now. Besides...I don't think you should be alone right now..." Blitz has made his decision and approaches the prince starting to gently but firmly nudge him, „You belong in bed. You need some tea, soup and a good movie to kill the time until you feel better again!"

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