30. Morning Reflection

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The owl-demon is already waking up, before he feels the light tug at his cuffed wrist, followed by another low, „Stooooo..."

„I'm up, I'm up..." the prince blinking and yawning opens his eyes, „What's wrong Bl-," he stops, staring into his partner's big eyes that are right in front of his own. The imp is sitting on his chest like a cat, his tail waving around behind him.

Stolas can't help a soft laugh and tenderly cups his partner's face now, „Are you feeling better, my Love?"

Blitz nods eagerly, „We've slept through the whole day and the night again! I'm starving, Sto!" he playfully bites into the owl demon's shoulder.

„Okay, okay!" Stolas giggles and gently boops his nose, „I get it, you Carnivore. We'll grab something for breakfast in a moment. What would you like to have?"

„Pancakes! And bacon! And StarCream!"

„Really? Even after that sickly sweet goo?"

„Yessss! With a huge ass spoon!"

Stolas laughs even more, sits up and hugs his boyfriend, „I'm so glad you're okay, Blitzy!"

The imp purrs and tightly wraps his tail around Stolas' waist, nodding and then claiming a soft kiss.

They're both incredible happy. Blitz has recovered from his maternity fever for now and his body doesn't carry away any aftereffects of that horrible night. And apparently, neither does his mind.

And for Stolas that's everything he needs to feel fine as well.

When they part again, Blitz tenderly caresses his partner's face with his hands, whispering, „My hero."

„Huh. No, don't put that role on me, Darling. That's yours. And always will be yours. You saved yourself for the most part. In that night, too. Angel helped, yes, but if it has not been for your will and skill to fight... You know how it would've ended..."

„Pfft. Yeah... Still," Blitz kisses the tip of his beak, „You're still my hero. And my avenger. So shut it or I'll put a muzzle on you."

„Is that a promise?"

„Kinky birdy," Blitz laughs and kisses him again.

They cuddle for a while like this again.

Until Blitz' belly emits a loud growl, followed by a hard kick of their baby.

„Ouch," Blitz rubs his belly, „Sorry, Baby. Yeah, we'll grab something to eat at once."

„She's definitely taking after you... Such a feisty one..." Stolas smiles softly and kisses Blitz' head again, „Let's ease both of your cravings."

„Yeah, please. You got the keys?" Blitz waves their cuffed hands in front of his partner's face, grinning lightly, „I mean, I honestly don't mind being tied to you literally, since it will soon be officially as well..."

Stolas smiling grabs the keys from the bedside table and unlocks their cuffs, „I'm so glad you feel so happy about our wedding, too."

„Of course! Why wouldn't I?! I proposed after all. Twice!" Blitz' voice is proud and his tail moves excitedly, „By the way... The way you scared this motherfucker before crippling him even more... Sto, when you screeched at him that he dared to abuse your husband... Fuck, that was SO hot!"

The owl-demon grins and gently runs his hand over Blitz' back, dancing around his spikes, but still having him purring again and snapping his tail. Stolas knows that one touch or word of him would be enough now to have the imp wild and begging beneath him.

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