02. Office Alliances

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Despite Moxxie's and Millie's concern they get several jobs done until evening and Blitz' ability to use the portal actually improves with each time and his pain during this seems to lessen as well.

Sure, once they call it a day in late evening, he appears to be pretty exhausted, far more so than usual, but after such a long work day, they are quite done as well and decide that they will let their friend rest and talk with him again in the next morning.

As so often in life (and hell) their plans get overthrown again due to new clients coming in early. But their concern appears to be unnecessary anyway, since Blitz looks rather well and behaves mostly normal as well. (If there's such a state with him anyway.)

So, one day turns into the next and the next and if especially Moxxie wouldn't know Blitz so well, probably nobody would notice that he misses some of the shots he'd usually hit blindly. Or that he's increasingly quieter and calmer in a way.

But Mox does notice. So, at the end of the week, he decides it's enough.

„I'm going to talk with him."

„You sure he'll listen, Moxxie? He seems...rather satisfied with his new...ability..."

„Millie, you can see his change just as well as I do. And as much as I sometimes hope for him to be a little more...subtle and restrained with what he says and does... This isn't Blitz. Something is not right, whether he wants to admit it or not. And I won't let my best friend put himself into even more danger, just because he's bitchy with his...affair at the moment!" Moxxie stands up from his chair, takes a deep breath and enters his boss' office, „Sir?"

No response from the demon sitting and writing at his desk.

„Blitz. Can I talk to you for a moment?"

„What's the use of a private office if not even your employees care to knock before entering?!" Blitz' voice is missing the usual edge although he's definitely trying his best, „Just imagine if I was just having a good wank in here!? Or maybe...that's what you were hoping for so you could join me? Really, Moxxie, you could just say so! I mean, I'm the last person to judge..."

„Blitz," interrupts Moxxie him firmly and steps closer to the desk, „This has to stop."

„Sure. I agree completely! Uhm... What exactly now?"

„You opening those portals. I... We can see that something isn't right with you since you started using them instead of Stolas' book. And whatever is wrong between the two of you at the moment, it's not worth risking your life over!"

Blitz narrows his tired eyes, „This got nothing to do with Stolas. I'm doing this so we are completely independent from his damn book! That's all!"

„You may be able to lie to yourself, Blitz, but I know you too well. We never had a problem with using his book before. So why now?! What deal do you have with this Alastor guy?! Do you even KNOW how dangerous he is!?!"

Blitz rolls his eyes and crosses his arms in front of his chest, „Now I know that Stolas set you up for this, Mox."

„What?! No, he didn't!"

„Come on! Alastor isn't any more dangerous than Stolas himself and I know pretty well how to handle those kinds of men by now... As Stolas knows pretty well! So, you can tell his jealous ass that I'm...that WE are doing just fine without him!"

„Blitz, I'm not here right now because of Stolas. I'm here because I'm fucking WORRIED about you and that deal you have with this crazy radio demon!"

„For the last FUCKING time now, Mox! There. Was. No. Deal!" Blitz slams his hands on the table, standing up and looking down on his smaller friend, pretty angry now, „But I'm starting to wish I made one, just to piss all three of you off! And now get lost!"

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