56. Once A Traitor...

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„This is fucking risky, I hope you're aware of that, Blitz," Ozzie is the first one to speak after Blitz finished telling all of them their plan while feeding Astrea.

„Of course I am."

„Then you already know that none of us is agreeing to this!" Stolas stares at his husband, „We talked about me not leaving your side just a few minutes ago! And now you want to face these bastards alone?!"

„I am not going to fight them, may I remind you..."

„Well, but sadly YOU don't get to decide at what point they'll shoot you!" Moxxie is just as upset as the others.

„Didn't you listen to my plan?" Blitz tilts his head, „Even if they did..."

„Al's shadow won't be able to protect you against holy bullets, Blitz!" Stolas grabs his shoulders and starts to shake him, „Do you WANT me to raise our daughter alone as a widower?!"

„What I WANT..." the imp reaches up and tenderly cups the owl-demon's cheek, „...is for Astrea to grow up safe. In a hell that won't be even more hostile to her than it's been to us. And I want you to be able to sleep peacefully at night, knowing that nobody will dare to take her...or me away from you."

„It's not worth the risk of losing you NOW!"

„You won't. Please, Sto. Trust me. I'll be fine."

„You always say that! You ALWAYS claim to be fine and then you break down overworked, stressed, sick or heavily injured!" Stolas' grip on Blitz' shoulders becomes almost painfully tight and the owl-demon is aware of that, „I can't lose you, Blitz! I thought you understand that!"

„I do. Fuck, I DO, Stolas! Because it's just the same the other way round!" Blitz uses his tail to hold Astrea against his body now and tightly grabs both of his husband's arms instead, searching his eyes, „I know the risk. And I know what I'm doing. We have no other choice right now. Please..." he pulls him closer, nuzzling their noses against each other, „I need to know you believe in me, Sto..."

„I... Fuck, of course I do! But..." Stolas crying kisses his imp, now caressing his shoulders and arms.

„I know..." whispers Blitz softly after pulling back, carefully wiping the other's tears away for him, „I'm scared too. But that mustn't stop us. Not anymore," he nuzzles him again, „I love you."

„I love you, too!" Stolas almost whimpers this and then kisses him again.

„Guys... If we want to pull through with this, we have to move now. They're coming..." interrupts Bee, who's been standing close to the windows, looking out of them from time to time, „And although I like your plan as little as the others, Blitz... It's the only one we have if we don't want to start an actual fight..."

The imp nods, gives Stolas another quick kiss, just as Astrea's head, then he hands the tiny hybrid to Via, smiling softly at her and Loona, „You are amazing young women. And wonderful sisters. I couldn't be more proud of you, my two girls. Never forget that!" then he takes a deep breath in and turns around to look at Alastor, giving a short nod, „I'm ready."

„Hm. At least one of us is then..." the radio demon grits his teeth, „I just want to inform you, that I'm just as unhappy about all this, as the others! But..." he snaps his fingers and his shadow manifests itself, looking at him for a second, before following his gesture and immediately envelopes Blitz again, like he used to once already, building a protective but pretty much invisible shield around the imp.

Blitz smiles at him, „Thank you. Now..." he turns to the bound and gagged Striker next to Alastor, „You're well enough to walk meanwhile?"

A low growl.

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