17. Voodoo And Other Magic

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„Okay... I'm ready," Blitz shakes his hands, like getting ready for a fistfight, his tail twitching restlessly from side to side and he bounces on his heels.

„Yeah...no. I highly doubt that Alastor will agree to work his magic as long as you are this tense, Love," Stolas lightly shakes his head, steps behind his boyfriend and puts his hands on his shoulders, starting to massage them lightly, „Try to relax."

„I AM trying! I just... Ugh!" Blitz let's his shoulders and head drop, clenching his hands into fists, „Sorry... You don't deserve me ranting at you like that, Sto..."

„Babe, you know that you can vent to me at any time. That's what I'm there for. And I know you don't mean it," Stolas soothingly rubs his back and kisses his cheek, „It's perfectly normal to be nervous, Blitzy. Let me try to help... Close your eyes."

„Sto, you know I love you, but I don't think sex is going to make anything better this time..."


„Okay, okay..." Blitz does as told, closing his eyes.

„Good. Now take a deep breath. In...and out...and in..." the owl-demon moves one hand to Blitz' chest, while the other carefully moves to his back now, „...and out..." he uses his thumb to gently press into different spots on Blitz' back, being careful to avoid his spikes to not arouse him, still continuing with his gentle orders, „...and in..."

Blitz hisses lightly and he tries to move away from Stolas' hand pressing into his back, but he's kept in place by the hand on his chest.

„Aha. Found the spot. Sorry, Love, this might hurt a little now. You keep breathing. In..." Stolas pushes his knuckles into the hardened spot on Blitz back again, having his boyfriend yelp in pain despite his best efforts to follow the instructions of, „...and out...and in..."

Blitz whimpers softly and wraps his tail around Stolas arm on his chest now, just like his own hands holding on to it for support, while still trying to breathe...

„...Out... In... Out... Blitzy?"


„I love you," Stolas pushes his knuckles into the spot with force now and his boyfriend gasps out in shock, before suddenly growing still. Until he suddenly turns around and kisses his prince deeply.

After parting, Stolas smirks at him, „Better?"

„Much. Thank you. How did you..."

„Blitzy. Darling. Did you forget? – I have my ways..." Stolas' smirk turns mischievously.

Blitz rolls his eyes, putting one hand on his hip.

„Okay, okay," the owl-demon laughs out softly, before he looks at his boyfriend with a sympathetic smile, „You tossed around in your sleep a lot last night and although I tried to soothe and wake you, you ended up completely curled up again and again. So I figured some muscles in your back must be very tense. I was right. That was a pretty nasty knot there..."

„Yeah... Hm... I didn't know you're that good at massaging, Sto," Blitz moves his head, stretching a little, actually feeling much better and although still nervous, not that tense anymore.

Stolas blushes lightly, „I've...read books about this..."

Blitz can't help but smile softly at the other's obvious embarrassment and quickly jumps up, pulling him down and into a passionate kiss, grinning lightly after pulling back, „Am I lucky to have such an intelligent boyfriend! Just a pity that he's not even aware how sexy this trade is in him..."

Stolas blushes even more, but for a completely different reason now and quickly straightens, clearing his throat, „We... We wanted to see...whether Alastor is ready yet with the preparations..."

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