35. It's Always Raining In Lust

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„Oh, fuck this shit. I'll call it a day. Nobody's gonna drive around here in this shit weather, anyway!" Angel Dust sighs and wraps his arms around himself when he now leaves the rain shelter of the pub and slowly walks down the road, towards his temporary flat. But he takes a turn early, to head for the drug wending machine at the corner close by, muttering to himself, „Gotta at least get SOME kick out of this fucking night..." he throws in a few coins and pushes on the button to get his favorite drug – AngelDust, of course. A sad smile twitches over his face. It cost him his life on earth – all this stuff does to him down here is make him feel at least something once in a while...and cost him some money...

„Honestly, EVERY fucking time I visit Lust, it's raining BULLSHIT in more ways than one!"

Angel's head jerks up at once, looking past the wending machine to the person hiding in the shadows, „Blitz?!"

„What gave me away? My distinctive voice or my shape?" the imp chuckling steps into the light and comes closer.

„Blitz! Thank fucking hell you're all right!" Angel leaves the drugs in the machine, completely forgetting about them and tightly but very carefully hugs the imp close now, before pulling back and looking him over, „And still pregnant as ever, huh?!"

„Yeah... Thankfully. But the little devil won't let us wait long anymore, I guess..." Blitz sighs and lightly rubs his belly.

„Even more reason for me to ask – what the HELL are you doing here again?! Did you get lost in one of your portals again?"

„No, no. This time, I came here on purpose. And Stolas knows where I am, don't worry!" he smirks at Angel again and suddenly moves his tail in front of himself, holding the sinner a bag, „But I needed to know whether you are okay, as well after that night. And to properly thank you again for saving me. AND I got something for my guardian angel!"

„Pfft. You know you didn't have to, right? Really not. Knowing that you are all right is the greatest gift there is for me right now!" Angel smiles softly at him and squeezes his hands.

„Very well. Then take it as a...replacement."

„Replacement?" Angel tilts his head, takes the bag and looks inside, at once, a smile plays on his lips, „Oh, Blitz..."

„Your old coat couldn't be saved from the bloody mess I made, I'm sorry. But this one should fit you even better. Suits your eyes."

„Flirt," the sinner chuckles but immediately puts on the coat – that actually fits and suits him better than the old one – and lightly shakes his head, „I'm so glad you're okay. I... I thought I'd never see you again. Then you show up pregnant and being chased and then... Anyway. I can finally properly thank you for saving my...dead life or whatever this is."

„Uhm... Angel, you get something confused here. You saved ME that night, not..."

„Yeah, but BEFORE. All those years ago... I... Damn, I'd like to tell you so much, I don't even know where to start..."

„Then let's get out of the rain, hm? It's getting a little cold, anyway, even with my coat..."

„Oh fuck, of course! Sorry! Come on, my flat is right around the corner! It's not...nice, but dry and warm. And you can sit down and get some rest!"

Blitz chuckles softly, „Sounds good. Did you eat something yet?"

„You mean...today?"

„I take this as a no. Know what? I've seen a small restaurant a little bit that way. Let's grab something for takeaway. I invite you."

„Uhm... I..."

„C'mon. Better than your usual...'dinner' for sure," the imp nods at the wending machine.

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