18. Hellfever

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„Hey... Dad?"


„Does it... Wait. I... Can still call you that? Dad, I mean? Although now you're..."

„Loonie," Blitz scoots closer on the balustrade of the star gazing platform on top of the castle, sitting right next to his daughter now, so their sides are touching, smiling lovingly at her, „No matter what happens, I will ALWAYS be your dad. And you can call me whatever you want, Loonie."

„Okay...asshole," she grins at him and he chuckles, but then she becomes serious again, looking down from the high balcony, „Does it...hurt?"

„Being pregnant? No... To be honest, I still don't sense anything, but hey, I'm a few hours in..." he smiles lightly, his tail moving from side to side, looking ahead but glancing at his daughter.

She nods lightly, taking out her I.M.P. lighter to toy with, switching it on and off a few times, before asking without looking up from it, „Are you...scared? Of... Of pregnancy and birth, I mean..."

„Hm... You saw my initial reaction although I wished for this so bad... I'm... I'm not scared of these parts themselves..." Blitz sighs softly, „I'm scared of doing anything wrong...and hurting the baby... I'm scared of... Of fucking up, as I usually do..."

„You don't usually fuck it up, Blitz."

„Pff. Yeah. Right."

„You did everything right with me! As best as you possibly could!" now the hellhound turns to look at her adoptive father, „You are a great parent, Blitz. And I'm so happy for the little demon-imp that's gonna slip out of you soon to enjoy just how great of a parent you are since the first step it will take!" a lonely tear rolls down her cheek, „I... I know I never tell you this, but... I've asked myself so often... I've wished so often that you'd have adopted me as a pup already..."

„Loonie..." Blitz' eyes are immediately filled with tears as well and he hugs his daughter very tight now, „Loona, I'm so sorry you had to go through so much as a pupper! I... I wish I could've been your first adoptive dad, too! And I... Please, never doubt that I love you! Or think I love you any less than any of your siblings! I never, NEVER will replace or love you any less than any new child or Stolas or anybody else! You will ALWAYS be my Loonie! My baby! Nothing will ever change that! Not even if you're actually far too old to be called that by your old man and it annoys you already!"

Loona laughs softly between her tears, hugging her father as close as possible, „I will claim otherwise at any time, but I truly don't mind at all, Dad. Never. Thank you... Thank you for being my dad. At all times. I love you."

„I love you too, Loona."

„Hmhm..." a gentle knock against wood interrupts them after a few minutes of silent hugging.

„Come on closer, Mox. We don't bite. Well... Not you, anyway," Loona chuckles letting go of her dad, shortly cupping his cheek, before jumping back from the balustrade, „I'm gonna check on Via. She wanted me to listen to some of her favorite songs. You guys catch up. I'll see you later!" she winks at her father, gives Moxxie a gentle, playful shove while walking past him and disappears through the door, into the castle.

„Sorry if I disturbed you..."

„Nah, you didn't. It's fine. That was enough cuddling on Loona's part for a whole month. You know her," Blitz smiles softly, invitingly pointing at the balustrade next to him, „Come on, Moxxie. I can sense your questions swirling in your head. And don't worry, I feel extra huggy today."

His best friend chuckles and follows the invitation, „Actually, I originally came here as messenger from Al..." he holds Blitz a water bottle, „You need to stay hydrated."

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