69. The Corrosion Syndrome

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About half an hour later, the owl-demon is still busy reading and Husk with exchanging the calf packings every few minutes, when Blitz returns with a bowl of sickish sweet goo and Astrea, who's bouncing wrapped up in his tail.

„How is he?" Blitz sits down on the bed next to the shivering deer-demon, eyeing him with obvious concern.

„The calf packings manage to stop his fever from rising even more, but otherwise..." Husk lightly shakes his head, then he nods at their friend's clenched fist, „He's not letting go of the stone, Blitz..."

„That's...good. I think. As long as he's still holding on to it, he's very likely holding on to what Ruby said as well..." murmurs Blitz, looking at his husband now, „Did Husk tell you what happened?"

„Yes. And I believe the same as you do, Darling. What he's struggling with most now is his will to live," Stolas gives Blitz a look.

The imp nods, „For you it's been Octavia. For me my instinct and Loona. For Alastor..."

„...it's us. And that's why we need to try to keep him responsive as much as possible. To remind him that we love him," Stolas nods, „As distasteful as this goo is, it will definitely revive some of his senses."

„Or he'll throw up all over us, yeah," Blitz smiles wryly, then he looks at the cat-demon, „Husk, can you keep him upright? We need to feed him this whole bowl to fight his fever."

„Sure. Hey, Alastor..." Husk tenderly caresses the deer-demon's face, „Wake up, Deerie."

„Hm..." Alastor whines softly but actually forces his eyes open and looks around unfocused for a moment, before his eyes lock with Husk's and he whispers, „H... Husker... You're...still here?"

„Of course I am, Silly. Just like Blitz and Stolas. And their daughter. And your whole family is doing everything to help you feel better soon," Husk smiles softly and plants a soft kiss on the hot forehead of the other sinner, „Come on. You need to sit up now, so we can give you something for your fever."

„Wh... Whatever...for? I shouldn't...be here... I'm...outdated... Vox was...right about that... I'm nothing but..."

„Hey!" Blitz cups his face and gives him a hard but loving stare, „None of that, Alastor. That flat-face has been working with Stella and Striker, remember? They don't know SHIT about any of us. About YOU. Alastor. We love you. You are family. And you love us too, right?"

Alastor's dull, feverish eyes search for a lie in Blitz' eyes, but then he swallows thickly and gives a weak nod.

„Good. Then you need to eat this now, Sweetie. It tastes awful, but it helps, I promise. I'm the living proof for that!" Blitz smiles softly, then he helps Husk to gently lift the upper body of the deer-demon up and lean it against Husk's chest again, so the other sinner can hold him upright. Then he raises the first spoonful of sweet goo to his friend's mouth.

Weakly whimpering, Alastor turns his head away and he mumbles, „Please... No more...dirt..."

The three friends exchange a worried look, understanding at once that the radio demon must be caught in another hallucination again – probably about his past human life.

„Alastor. Sweetie, look at me. It's me. Blitz. You know I'm not going to hurt you. Look, it's no dirt..." Blitz takes a bit of the sweet substance into his own mouth now and swallows, admitting, „It doesn't taste good, but it HELPS, Al. So please..."

The radio demon looks at him for a few seconds, then he whispers, „B-Blitz... I...don't think...I can...s-swallow..."

„Can you try? For me?" asks the imp softly, raising the spoon once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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