03. Powerless Regrets

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Stolas has no luck with his first location and neither have the other three with their first two.

And the owl-demon almost wants to leave the second location – a high hotel roof – with a sinking feeling in his stomach after finding not a single clue of Blitz, when he suddenly has a strange feeling.

He stops.

His hand darts to his chest and he closes his eyes, focusing for a moment. 'Blitz. Are you here?'

Of course, there's no answer. No verbal one at least.

But then, for a split second, an image flashes in front of Stolas' closed eyes.

He turns around, to the firmly locked door, leading to the roof. With a single jerk he throws it behind himself and enters, looking around in the narrow staircase, following it downstairs, until he reaches a turn, leading to another set of stairs, leading even further down. But between these two he suddenly sees...

„Blitz!" he's kneeling next to the unmoving demon within a heartbeat, checking him over, „Oh, Blitzy..."

There's a shot wound in his left leg and a graze along the right side of his ribcage, but otherwise he appears unharmed. Although...

Stolas carefully rests his ear against Blitz' chest. His breathing is shallow and erratic, but what worries him far more is the heavy tremble shaking the other's body relentlessly.

„Blitz, please wake up!"

Two seconds pass that feel like eons for Stolas.

But then Blitz finally stirs.

„S-So...c-cold..." Blitz tries to force his eyes open, „Wh-hat..."

„Hush. It's okay, Blitz, I'll take you home now..." Stolas carefully picks the smaller demon up bridal style, already opening a portal back into their world.

„St-Stolas?" whispers Blitz weakly, a small smile washing over his face, before he goes completely limp again in the other's arms.

In every other situation, Stolas' heart would've jumped in pure joy at seeing that small, genuine smile from his love. But in this moment, all he feels is pure sorrow and that's why he's standing in his own bedroom half a second later. He brought them here out of pure instinct, but he's glad about that because he can now quickly, but carefully put Blitz in his soft, warm bed at once. While hurrying to get something to care for his wounds, he quickly calls Millie, explaining that he found and brought Blitz here, asking her that they should join them as quickly as possible.

Still, he knows that they will take a while to get here, because not even Alastor is powerful enough to just teleport here.

He carefully tends to Blitz' battle wounds. It's not really the first time he's done that and that's why he's not too concerned about them.

But this violent trembling of the others body...

„Blitz... What did you do?..." he carefully, lovingly moves his feathered fingers over Blitz' sweating forehead. He's far too cold to the touch despite sweating like this...

„St... Sto-las..." whimpers the smaller demon suddenly lowly, „S-So c-c-cold..." he forces his eyes open, searching the four glowing ones of the owl-demon. His own so full of pain and regret, it nearly breaks Stolas' heart.

„Blitz... It's going to be okay. I promise. I won't leave your side until you are better!" Stolas tries a soothing smile, but the tear running down his beak betrays him. He carefully covers Blitz with another blanket, trying to warm him.

Blitz weakly grabs his hand before he can pull it back, holding on to it.

His voice is shaking, but it's obvious that he strains and needs to get this off his chest now, „S-Sorry, Stolas. 'm-m 'n idiot... B-But I d-didn't f-fuck A-Alastor! H-H-Honestly! I-I..."

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