37. Labor

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„...your water just broke..." whispers Stolas, paling as well, tightening his grip on his partner, his eyes fixed on the puddle on the ground between Blitz' legs.

„Oh fuck..." Via is staring down as well, just as shocked as Loona.

„What?! That's almost impossible! You must've experienced false labor for HOURS then already!" Alastor comes over to them at once.

„His taunt stomach..." whispers Moxxie now, before slapping his own hand into his face, „I'm such a moron!"

„You KNEW this?!" Millie stares at him, „And you let him proceed with the wedding?!"

„I didn't KNEW, okay! He told me she was just kicking and he was overall tense!"

„You KNOW Blitz and you BELIEVED him?!"

„Uhm... M and M... Could you please stop yelling at each other?" interrupts Blitz them now lowly, before yelling himself, „Because I fucking HATE it when you argue because of me!"

The smaller imps look down in slight embarrassment and mumble, „Sorry..."

„Thank you," Blitz exhales slowly and grits his teeth.

Alastor looks at him for a moment, shaking his head, „You WERE in pain. The whole fucking wedding, the whole fucking DAY, weren't you?"

„Pain...is such a big word... I'd rather call it...discomfort..." the imp manages a wry smile and blushes faintly, but then he whimpers softly and his tail reflexively wraps around Stolas' arm.

„Okay. Ladies and Gentlemen and everybody in between, I'm sorry, but the main participants of the ceremony have to take an early exit today," Alastor snaps his fingers, opening a portal into a room in the house.

„Wait... You're not taking him to a hospital?" Bee gives Blitz a worried look.

The imp violently shakes his head.

„He's no fan of hospitals," explains Stolas, gently, soothingly squeezing his husband's hands.

„Don't worry, my Dear. If anything should go wrong, we'd be there within a blink," assures Alastor her now lowly with a soft smile.

„Can't we do anything to help?" Fizz has jumped down from Ozzie's arms and is close to his oldest friend now, not really daring to touch him, but wanting to console him.

„Guys. I'm not dying, okay," Blitz smiles softly at them, pushing himself into a straight stand once more but holding on to his husband with hands and tail still, his voice gentle and almost scaring calm, „And I don't want you to worry or get at each other's throats. I pulled through with the ceremony, because I fucking WANTED to. And because it really didn't and still doesn't hurt that bad. I'll be okay. We will be okay. And I'd actually..." a deep inhale, followed by a slow exhale, „I'd like you to stay, if you like to and have time. You're friends and family. I... I'd like you to meet Astrea-hahaha! Ouch, ouch, ouch..." he bites his bottom lip and grits his teeth, „Okay... Now it hurts...a little more..."

„Blitz, Sweetie," Bee steps forward and crouches down, searching his eyes, „We will be here. All of us. But now you should get some peace and quiet. It's a tough task ahead of you, but hell, you can do this! Remember you even beat me at my own game while already being drunk!"

„Yeah... I meanwhile figured that you probably let me win, Bee. But still thanks," Blitz chuckles weakly, smiling thankfully at her, but then he hisses in pain again.

„Blitz," Stolas places a soft kiss on his head, „Come on, Love. Let's go."

„O-Okay... You guys, please have fun! I'm...so sorry for my bad timing!"

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