20. Ace Up The Sleeve

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„...and then I had enough and cut that brute's throat. Jackass had it coming, if you ask me. Luckily, a corpse or two aren't given too much attention, especially not in Lust..." Blitz lightly shakes his head, while continuing to gently caress Alastor's head and chest, whose head is resting in his lap, looking up at him with half lidded eyes. They're on top of a commode, Blitz freed space on for them quite a while ago, after walking the radio demon around in circles through the room for almost two hours. When Alastor's legs gave way again and again out of pure exhaustion, and Blitz felt a little like blacking out, himself, he managed to manipulate Alastor's hallucination enough to make him believe, the commode was some sort of small island in the seemingly endless water they've been walking through the whole time and finally got his friend to lie down and relax and recover a little like this. But since the other has still been quite anxious and nervous, Blitz simply started to distract him by telling him stories of random adventures he went through at some point in his past.

The last one has been about one of his trips to Lust when he was much younger, seeking distraction from problems in this part of hell, only to be faced with different problems again that night.

„It's still been dangerous and quite the risk... You could've...just walked by..." Alastor's eyes are still feverish and a little puzzled.

„Yeah... No. I... I could hear him crying and begging and I..." Blitz smiles weakly, „Don't get me wrong, you know I rarely say no to a good...to some fun. Neither when drugs are involved, I did that myself a few times as well, after all. But that bastard obviously took advantage of the drugged guy...and I don't like it when somebody forces him- or herself on anybody like this..."

Alastor notices the glistening in Blitz' eyes, even in his still dazed state, and carefully rests his hand on Blitz', mutely trying to spend comfort.

Blitz smiles weakly, speaking on, „So I had to tell him off. And when he repeatedly didn't listen and told me to fuck off or I'll be next, I had enough... The poor drugged devil didn't really realize what was going on, I guess. When I went to help him up from the ground, he started to whimper and shake even more begging me to kill him before I..." Blitz can't help the shudder rushing through his body at the memory and shakes his head, „I needed some time to calm him down enough and finally asked where he lived..."

„You even brought him home?"

„I couldn't just leave him like that. Or the next pervert would've probably done even worse things to him... Anyway, he was in no condition to answer...or probably even know where he lived. And when rain set in, I finally decided that as long as I got him somewhere safe and dry, he'd be all right. The hotel around the corner was as good or bad as any, so I dragged him there, got a room for the night and brought him in. At first I wanted to put him in the bed and just leave him there. The drugs themselves couldn't kill him after all, since he was a sinner. But he soon started to retch and since I wasn't sure whether sinners could suffocate, I brought him into the bathroom instead and made sure he threw up everything that could kill him. Since I've already been on it at this point, I put him into the shower and tried to revive his senses again at least a little."

Alastor looks at him, smiling softly, „You are too pure of heart, Blitz."

„Pft. I don't like it when assholes take advantage of somebody, that's all..." Blitz blushes lightly, „Anyway, after a while, he came by enough to properly look at me and slur a few words of thanks, before suddenly starting to fiddle with my clothes."


„Well, he apparently thought he needed to repay me with...you know," the imp lightly shakes his head, „At first I thought it was because he was still drugged, but then he slurred 'Please... I'll do anything. Just don't...don't leave me here alone now... If Val finds me...like this...without a client...' And then I realized that I've seen his face before on an advertising in Lust – he was a porn star."

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