04. About An Imp's Happiness And A Radio Demon's Motivations

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When Moxxie and Millie silently look into Stolas' bedroom the next morning to check on them, they both smile softly at the sight in front of them.

Blitz is barely seeable, being so cuddled up with Stolas and covered by blankets.

Still Moxxie silently goes over to them and carefully puts his hand on Blitz' forehead. His face contorts in slight sorrow, feeling how cold his friend still is. But he's breathing stronger than yesterday and Moxxie holds on to this fact with all his might.

Millie has been checking on Stolas meanwhile and when they now leave the room again, she asks, „How is Blitz holding up?"

„He's alive. But still ice cold," Moxxie rubs his eyes, „He's not over the worst yet, but I think it's a good sign that he survived the first few hours. His energy at least isn't leaking out anymore... What about Stolas?"

„He's okay, I guess. Although probably pretty groggy from watching over Blitz half of the night. Seems like he passed out from exhaustion at some point..." Millie smiles lightly, „He truly loves him; don't you think so?"

Moxxie stops in his steps for a moment, then he sighs lowly, „Even if he does... Do you think Blitz will ever be ready to face that? To accept his own feelings? I fear...he's been far too hurt for that..."

„But maybe he can heal? If Stolas doesn't stop fighting..." Millie takes his hand, squeezing it lovingly and giving him a warm smile, „It worked with you as well, didn't it?"

Moxxie returns the smile, gives her a sweet kiss, but then replies sadly, „It did. But I think Blitz has been hurt even worse than me... And...he hates himself too much to actually believe that anybody could truly love him unconditionally..."

Blitz wakes up from his own trembling and reflexively tries to snuggle closer against the warm body next to him, before opening his eyes with a low whimper.


Soft feather-hands come to caress his face.

„Blitzy, what is it?" Stolas worriedly bows down, searching his eyes.

„Stolas? What..." but then memory returns to Blitz and he groans softly, „Oh fuck..."

„Are you in pain?!? Can I do anything?! Do you need..."

„Stolas," interrupts Blitz weakly, then he forces a smile, „Good morning."

Stolas relaxes a little again, returning the smile and replying softly, „Good morning, Blitz. How are you feeling?"

„Good, I..." Blitz stops at Stolas' warning gaze, sighs lowly and admits, „...Cold... And I truly feel completely hungover..."

„You need to eat and drink something. I'll just..."

„No!" Blitz grabs his hand, blushing dark, but holding on nevertheless, begging lowly, „Please... Don't go. I..."

„I'm not leaving, Blitzy. Moxxie and Millie already brought us supplies yesterday. I just need to reach over, see?" calms Stolas him gently, doing just that.

„Oh... Okay... I... Fuck, I'm so pathetic! I'm sorry!" Blitz buries his face in his hands, groaning lowly.

„Blitz. You're not pathetic. You're sick. You need care and...body contact to regain strength. Please, just for once...allow yourself to just let it happen. If not for yourself...do it for me?"

Blitz just looks into Stolas' begging, soft eyes for almost a full minute, then he gives a faint nod, „For you."

„Splendid!" Stolas plants a quick kiss on Blitz' head, then he carefully rearranges their position so Blitz is sitting up, leaned against him. The other emits an unhappy sound because of this, shaking even worse again due to feeling so cold.

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