22. The Roots Of Our Love

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„F-Fuck, Sto, that was amazing!" Blitz is still lightly panting and shaking with the aftereffects of their hour long, rough lovemaking and softly giggling buries his face in the pillow he's been digging his fingers and screaming into mere minutes ago.

„It was," Stolas, who's already tidied up their room with magic while his boyfriend was recovering and coming down from his euphoria, now chuckles softly and very tenderly runs his fingers along the imp's spine, making him shudder and whimper softly again, pushing into the touch and pulling away from it at the same time, his tail winding around the still chuckling demon's hand in a reflex, „Someone's still sensitive, I see... How about I draw you a nice, relaxing bath, we get all cleaned up and then we return here to cuddle some more between fresh bedsheets?"

„Hmm... Sounds lovely... Only question is, how long they will stay clean and fresh with us..." Blitz smirks, blushing happily and nuzzles his face into Stolas' second hand, now cupping his cheek, „I can't resist you after all..."

„You know it's just the same the other way round, my Love. But..." the prince softly kisses him again, then he stands up from the bed, leaving his boyfriend whining softly at the loss of contact, „...it's still time to get all freshened up. I got enough sheets to change them again in a few hours if need be. Now..." he very carefully picks Blitz up in his arms, smiling softly when the other immediately nuzzles up against his chest, wrapping his tail around his waist again. He takes the imp into the great bathroom that is connected to the bedroom, and just a few minutes later, they're both sitting in the great bathtub, Blitz leaned against Stolas' chest, enjoying his boyfriend's tender massage immensely although he still is very sensitive and shivers lightly at certain touches.

„And you are sure...that this wasn't too much, Darling?" Stolas worriedly strokes over a few of the fresh claw marks he left on his lover's back and a dark hickey at his neck. He can't help the impression that Blitz bruises faster than usually at the moment. He will have to ask Alastor about that later.

„Are you kidding?! It was fucking perfect!" Blitz leans his head back more to look up into his fiancé's eyes, who's looking down on him, his own shining with nothing but bliss, „And you know what they say – a sore ass is better than a bored ass!"

„You just made that up."

„I did. But for a moment you believed it because it IS true!" he laughs.

Stolas rolls his eyes but smiles softly again, „You're lucky I fell in love with your humor first."

„Well, you've been the only one then and I guess pretty much are now still as well," Blitz grins sheepishly, then he gently takes Stolas' hand and carefully places it on his own abdomen, murmuring, „And I'm thankful for that..."

His boyfriend smiles softly and lovingly kisses his forehead, nuzzling him while tenderly caressing his belly, „Me too."

They stay like this for a while, both reveling in the feeling of the other so close.

„Stolas..." says Blitz softly, his eyes still fixed on their hands on his belly underwater.

„Yes, Blitzy?"

„The water is getting cold..."

„Oh! I'm sorry, Dear, I didn't notice! Wait let me get out so we..."

„No," Blitz blushes and turns around to wrap himself around his boyfriend, searching his eyes, „Not yet, please... But...maybe there's another way to...keep me warm?"

The owl-demon looks into the once again with lust and love glazed over eyes of his betrothed and can't help a light chuckle, „Blitzy... Are you really sur-Ohhh..."

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