08. Letting Go Of Control

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Hell hasn't ended. The stars haven't fallen down on them. Lucifer himself neither visited to congratulate...but they're all still alive and actually relaxed a while later.

Alastor told them a part of the story why every demon fears him so much...and why – although somewhat practical and justified – this life is rather lonesome if you have to live with it for ages...

„...So meeting someone like Blitz, who's never heard of me before was actually very refreshing..." admits Alastor while taking a sip of his tea, his hand trembling just the slightest bit.

„Yes, Blitz does that – refreshing lives," Stolas gives the mentioned demon, sitting next to him, a loving smile.

„Indeed, he does," agrees Moxxie with a similar smile. He and Millie are sitting on the third couch. Millie adds, „Plus he brings demons together."

„Okay, okay! Can you guys quit that now please!" Blitz, actually looking rather embarrassed, gives Alastor a closer look now, „You are not well, are you?"

The radio demon looks into his cup, muttering after a moment with a weak smile in his voice, „What gave me away?"

„You mean besides the tremor? Your overall demeanor and body language," Blitz smiles lightly, but then leans forward a little, his eyes searching and gentle, „Can we do anything to help you?"

Alastor smiles lightly, shaking his head, „Time will do the trick. It's very kind of you to let me stay here. I really think...this helps."

„It's the least we can do," Stolas smiles as well, a little sadly, „But are you really sure we can't do more? Blitz is right, you don't look well... Are you sure you aren't getting worse instead of better?"

„Yes. I'm just... I'm dropping the act bit by bit, that's all..." the radio demon absently rolls the empty cup between his hands, muttering more to himself, „That's so strange..."

„What is?" asks Millie carefully in behalf of the others as well.

Alastor looks up from his cup, blinking slowly as if just waking up from a dream, his voice got a whiff of a slur for a moment, „Letting go of control..." he suddenly tips forward.

But Blitz is quick to catch him, carefully setting him straight again, searching his eyes, „Alastor? You still with us?"

The radio demon nods, holding his head for a moment, but smiling nevertheless, „That's...entertaining... You're all spinning around wonderfully..."

„Uhu. Mox..." Blitz glances at his friend while already carefully easing Alastor down into a lying position, „I grew cold because of leaking energy, right?"


„So, if I tell you now that Alastor is practically burning up, what would be your conclusion?" Blitz moves his hand from Alastor's forehead to the bandage on his wrist, opening it.

„Too much energy?" Moxxie is next to his friend now, his eyes filled with unbelieving sorrow, „How can this be with a guy like him?!"

„I don't know. But I'd say...that's what doctors call an inflammation; don't you think?" Blitz points at Alastor's bare pentagram wound, then he shortly glances at the owl-demon, „Stolas, check your wound. Does it hurt?"

„No, I'm fine," Stolas unwraps his own wound checking on it, „What about you?"

„Likewise. Alastor," Blitz snaps his fingers in front of the others face, ripping him out of his stupor, „Does your arm hurt? Or anything else?"

Alastor gives a nod, his eyes shining far too brightly with fever out of a sudden, but his smile still unfazed.

„And what?"

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