13. Bubbles And Foam

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Alastor opens his eyes with a soft groan and just stares at the bowl in front of him for a whole minute. The towel, still draped over his head and the bowl dims the light pleasantly. The radio demon sighs softly. His headache is just a faint throbbing, so Stolas' steaming liquid actually helped a lot against that. But he still feels sick and he has the pressing feeling that he should head to the next bathroom just in case.

With a silent groan and a lot of discipline to shut of any possible static sounds of pain from him, the hellish overlord sits up now and quickly but silently sneaks out of the living room, into the bathroom closest to it.

Once the door is closed behind his back, he leans his forehead against it with a third groan and for a moment, he lets it slip and a sizzling static noise fills the bathroom for a few seconds. But then he gets himself under control again, pushes himself away from the door and tumbles over to the basin.

„Hey, Al..."

The radio demon does a jump and spins around, his head unable to follow the quick motion at this moment, so he has to quickly steady himself at the nearest wall.

„Sorry! I thought you knew I was in here!" Blitz, sitting in the empty bathtub with his legs pulled against his chest, eyes the other concerned, his tail twitching nervously from side to side, „Fuck, you look awful..."

„I..." Alastor steadies himself, pushing himself into a straight stand but is still shaking, „I didn't. Sorry, Dear, I... I'm leaving you to...whatever you were doing!"

„I wasn't doing anything actually..."

„Then why... Blitz, why are you sitting in the bathtub?" Alastor approaches him slowly, still a little reluctantly, but even more worried now.

The other gives a weak smile and shrugs his shoulders, „I don't know... I came in here to pee and after that...I somehow couldn't go back into the living room and just...stayed..."

The radio demon has reached the tub now and leans on the rim, looking his friend over, „Shall I ask you how you are feeling? Can I expect an honest answer then?"

Blitz gives a weak smile, his fingers digging into his knees, „I've had a fucking panic attack... One of the worst for years... Right in front of my family. Just today, when I really don't need Stolas or you or Moxxie even more stressed with what you're going through already!"

„Well... I don't think panic attacks are so kind to wait for a convenient time to show up, Darling..." Alastor offers a small smile, but then he can't help a groan and presses one arm onto his stomach and the other hand onto his mouth.

„Alastor!" Blitz jumps out of the tub and is next to the radio demon, gently wrapping an arm and tail around him to support him, „Do you need to throw up?"

The other gives a short, quick nod and Blitz carefully but quickly guides him over to the toilet not three seconds too soon.

„Easy... Breathe..." murmurs Blitz, coaching him through it and gently, soothingly rubbing his back until the other is done and panting falls onto his knees, squeezing his eyes shut.

Blitz flushes the toilet and then gets a rag to clean up his friend after gently pushing him into a sitting position, leaned against the bathtub now.

Alastor lets all this happen and when his friend is done and drops down next to him, he opens his eyes a fraction to glance at him, „Thank you, Blitz... And...sorry...for...that..."

Blitz waves it off, „Don't mention it, Alastor. Trust me, it's not the first time somebody vomits in my presence. Usually, it's because of alcohol or drugs or something..." he tilts his head and carefully, slowly puts his hand on Alastor's forehead, „It worries me a little that you look like that... Is this normal for when you shed your antlers?"

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