65. What Could Have Been, If...

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„Blitz..." Stolas, who couldn't help but rest his hand on the imp's forehead again a few seconds ago, now swallows the piece of pancake, his husband has just gently but skillfully put in his, during talking opened, beak.

„Hm?" Blitz, slowly chewing a pancake himself, his eyes never leaving Stolas' face, now lightly tilts his head.

„You recovered within one day from the worst of the cold back then. But...you never answered my question why you took that great risk that day. Why it had to be THAT day that you took me to see the polar lights..." the owl-demon, still holding on to one of the imp's hands since they started talking about that day during breakfast, now squeezes it weakly, „What did I miss, Blitz? Because I know I missed something."

At this, his husband actually looks down with a soft smile and a light blush for a moment, before he meets the other's gaze again, his voice incredible gentle, but tears glistening in the corners of his eyes, „It was our anniversary back then. Of the day we've seen each other again for the first time as adults. I... This was supposed to be my gift to you for that and...that's also why I was so nervous when I called you that day..."

Stolas' eyes have widened with every word and he suddenly grows pale, stammering, „Y-You... I-It was our anniversary back then and you...you thought of that?!?"

„I know it sounds uncharacteristic for me, but...I never forget important dates..." Blitz blushes and his tail, that has been lightly tapping on the bed until now, now moves to wrap around Stolas' again.

„So when I asked what was more important to you than your health, you wanted to say..."

„You. But...I couldn't. I... It's stupid now that I look back at it, but that day, I thought that if...you didn't remember this day it...wasn't special to you and that you..." Blitz clears his throat, trying to fight back tears, but doesn't manage and now puts his head in his neck, smiling bitterly, muttering, „Fuck... It's ridiculous to cry about that now..."

„Oh, Blitz..." Stolas cups his face with his free hand now, crying as well, „I'm so sorry! I... I actually didn't remember... But not because... I... I am so bad with anniversaries! I... And I would've never thought that you..."

„I know. And I'm not blaming you, Babe. Honestly," Blitz cups his cheek now in return and smiles weakly, „But... There's more..."

„Oh no..."

„I...wanted to take you to the polar lights that day as a gift and...because I...wanted to tell you something there..."

„Oh, please no..." sobs Stolas now and shakes his head, his body trembling.

„I don't know whether I would've actually managed to pull through if I had not suddenly blacked out... Maybe I even also blacked out because of that... But I... My plan was to tell you that...I really, REALLY enjoyed your company and...that I also liked you and..." Blitz chuckles weakly, „It's absurd that I get nervous even NOW, that we're officially married already, but... On the other hand, I realize something now... So my question from back then, I now ask with the same hope for a positive answer: Stolas, would you...like to go on a date with me? With...your husband?"

„Y-You wanted to ask me on a date back then?!? Under the polar lights?!?"

„Yes. But I guess the nervousness about that then gave me the final blow since I was already almost frozen to death at this point..." the imp chuckles weakly.

„Blitz! You planned to ask me on a date under polar lights! And you claim you aren't romantic?! Taking me to the polar lights already WAS some kind of date! But I... I think if you'd have asked me that day, I'd have probably gotten a heart attack... But of course I would've said yes! I... Satan... Blitz, why..."

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