54. The Pentagram Of Healing

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Blitz has been lying in such a pentagram far too often for Stolas' liking by now. But it's unavoidable to save him again. So the owl-demon very carefully carries him over to said pentagram and incredibly gently lowers him in his spot onto the ground now, bowing down to place another loving kiss on his forehead, whispering with tear muffled voice, „Please, come back to us. To...me. I... I need you, Blitz. More than you could ever imagine..."

Then he looks up, watching how Loona carefully places Alastor on the second spot in the pentagram.

The radio demon looks even worse than Blitz. His skin is grey, his fur and hair gleam less and his face carries the same painful frown, as Blitz'.

What are these two going through right now? Stolas really hopes that they won't remember if they wake up...

No. Not if.


His heart clenches painfully again and he instinctively starts to massage his chest a little in an attempt to reduce the ache.

„Stad. We need to place Astrea down now as well..." Loona gently puts an arm around him and helps him up into a stand, asking softly, „Are you okay?"

Stolas gives a weak nod and exhales slowly, fixing his eyes on Astrea in Via's arms. The tiny bundle is crying again, her eyes fixed on her mother, her tail moving restlessly and her arms stretched out towards the imp.

For an infant, she is impressively precise and direct in her body language already. Are all imp babies like this or is it once again the magic inside of her?

The owl-demon shakes his curiosity off again and goes over to Via now, carefully taking his younger daughter from her and into his own arms, nuzzling her, „I'm so sorry that you have to go through all this already, my Sweet. But I promise, it will be all right again soon. And Daddy is right here with you, Astry. Nothing will happen to you. Mommy and daddy will protect you!" he looks at Blitz again, his voice breaking, „Especially mommy..." then he tenderly kisses her tiny head again and then carefully puts her on the thin pillow on her spot in the pentagram, right in its top, below and on either side of her Blitz and Alastor.

For a few seconds, nothing happens.

„What if...her instincts aren't enough? Dad... What if..."

„Via, I know that it appears absurd, but...I think... No... I HAVE to believe in this. She saved them on instinct before. The only difference now is..."

„Look! I think it's working!" Loona nudges both of them to look at the scene in front of them again.

„...the pentagram..." whispers Stolas, his heart starting to beat a little faster, „It's starting to glow..."

„Just as Astry and Mom and Al..." Via wraps an arm around her father, her voice muffled by tears, „Please, let them be okay..."

„They will be..." murmurs Stolas, looks at Loona and then takes her hand, pulling her against is other side now, nuzzling her lovingly, „Your dad is the strongest demon I've ever met. He's gonna make it."

The young hellhound nods weakly, unable to hide her tremble anymore and holds on to her second adoptive father now as well.

Moxxie grabs Millie's hand as well, holding on to her, just as Fizz hold on to his own boyfriend and now even jumps into Ozzie's arms, burying his face half against his neck now, while still glancing worriedly at the pentagram.

„How long...does this take? Does anybody know that?" asks the clown after a few minutes lowly.

Mutual shaking of heads.

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