25. Weak And Strong

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„...Blitzy... Blitz!"

„Hm?! What?!" Blitz finally looks up from where his fingers are playing with Stolas' and searches his boyfriend's eyes instead, noticing just now that all eyes are fixed on him, „Uhm... Did I...miss anything? Why are you guys staring at me like that?"

„Darling, you've been unresponsive, not really moving, let alone eating and completely zoned out for almost five minutes now," Stolas uses his free hand to gently caress his face, carefully feeling his forehead in the process, „Are you feeling well?"

„Yes! Yes, yes! Don't worry! Sorry, I..." the imp blushes lightly, „I was...caught up in a memory... Not a bad one!" assures Blitz quickly when he sees the immediate concern reflected not only in Stolas' eyes, and explains quickly, almost a little too rushed, „About our very first breakfast together and...the thing with the coffee and me being a scared ass as usual and... You...probably don't remember. Sorry."

„How could I ever forget the first time you actually agreed to stay and we shared toast...and 'Star-Cream'?!" the prince chuckles and smiles, his eyes starting to shine with memory now as well.

„Still a fucked-up name, if you ask me. But damn, it's forbidden good!" Blitz laughs softly as well, his eyes full of love for his boyfriend again.

„Agreeing on both facts," Stolas softly kisses his temple, nudging him gently, „But you should really eat a little now, Love. If you like, I can get you a glass of that perversely named stuff for dessert?"

„With a spoon?!"

„Why not? Alastor? Would that be okay?"

„Of course. As long as he still eats properly as well. His body knows best what it needs and craves at the moment," the radio demon starts to smirk broadly, „In...many bodily ways, as we all understand."

Blitz and Stolas both blush lightly, knowing very well what the other is referring to and the imp mumbles, „Sorry about that again by the way..."

„Never mind that. Millie and Moxxie took good care of my scarred soul at that moment, don't worry."


„Suggestive again?"

„A little, yeah," Blitz grins.

Alastor sighs, shakes his head and shrugs, „Very well. I'm getting used to it."

„Wait! Did you two have sex while Alastor was in the room?!" Loona stares at her father.

„Ugh! Loona!" Via pulls her beanie further down, but can't hide her grin completely.

„No!" cries Blitz at once.

„No, we didn't!" assures Stolas in the same moment, but adds, „We were in the living room and he was in the kitchen together with M and M."

„That's ALMOST the same room, Dad!" groans Octavia now, „Poor Al! Luckily, we were faaaaar away, Loo!"

„We're truly sorry. It won't happen again. That was my fault..." Blitz rubs his arm, truly uncomfortable now.

„Blitzy..." Stolas gives him a soft look, „We were BOTH acting like teenagers. But...it was also a somewhat...necessary medical treatment..."

„So THAT'S what that's called now..." Millie chuckles, nudging her husband.

„Hey, Dad... It's okay," Loona sees her adoptive father's guilty conscience creeping up on him again and, sitting next to him anyway, gently puts her hand on his back, „We're only teasing. It's truly okay. You two...need that at the moment. All of us understand that. And we're truly happy for you. Never forget that."

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