50. ...To Make That Motherfucker Talk

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„Fucking SHIT!" Millie kicks against a waste bin and sends it flying through the air, almost hitting Stolas with it, „That motherfucker won't talk! I really don't know what we can do about that! FUCK!"

„Blitz would know what to do..." Moxxie gently wraps an arm around her, trying to console her,, „Hey... It's not your fault, Honey..."

„Yeah... Blitz would know, wouldn't he..." Stolas wipes a tear away from his own cheek, his thoughts drifting off to his husband, still lying in the medical room with Astrea on his chest. They actually managed to remove the knife from him, and the baby girl and he himself even managed to use Blitz' wild voodoo magic to heal this injury so they could properly reanimate him again, until Blitz' own heart started to beat properly again and his breathing became strong enough to supply his own body. But now he's still in a coma like state, just like Alastor and according to the frown and the sweat on their faces, both are suffering immensely...and grow weaker by the second.

And they can't do shit about that!

Fizz has brought the unconscious Striker here and put him in one of the smaller bathrooms, tied to a stool. The cowboy was hurt very gravely but did survive the fall from the tree because after Stolas dragged Blitz away from him, he managed to slow down his fall with trying to cling to branches.

It's so absurd, it suddenly makes Stolas laugh out now.

Moxxie and Millie wince and stare at him in worry, „Stolas?"

„This FUCK HEAD is actually going to live, while Blitz is slowly dying upstairs!" the owl-demon is staring at the bathroom door, his eyes gleaming with malice.

„Stolas, I swear, if anything...happens to Blitz, I will cut off his head!" Moxxie comes over to the taller demon and grabs his hand, his voice insisting, „But if we kill him NOW, we're losing our only shot at figuring out what kind of curse has been put on that barbed wire and how we can save Blitz and Al from the effects."

„I KNOW that, Mox!" Stolas glares at him, „But you said it yourself – the only person, who could make this Jerk talk is DYING upstairs! You've all tried your best and worst on him... Now it's my turn."

Millie and Moxxie exchange a puzzled and slightly worried look. But then the female demon gives a nod, „You are right. Do whatever you want, Stolas."

„Wait. Stolas..." Moxxie puts a hand on his arm, „You know that Blitz wouldn't want you to step over any line that would make you lose yourself..."

„But Blitz isn't HERE!" hisses the owl-demon with tears in his eyes, „He's up there, DYING ON ME! And I can't do ANYTHING! Anything..." his demon form flares up when he now turns back to the door, „...but make Striker talk."

„If you need us, we'll stay right here," Millie grabs Moxxie's hand, pulling him back a little. Her husband gives her a still slightly worried look, but then nods once, „Just call us if you need anything."

Stolas gives a short nod, then he takes a deep breath in, returns to his normal form and enters the bathroom, switching on the turned off lights and closing the door behind him again.

He's immediately met with spite, „Oh, so the royal bitch himself now tries his luck? Hilarious. What, your vermin boyfriend dead already?"

Stolas just stands there, taking in Striker's appearance.

He's trying to get to you, Sto. Don't let him. You need to be smarter than him.

„You should've heard his pathetic whining when he talked with his ghosts on the tree!"

Don't listen to what he says. Focus. Look at him. REALLY look at him.

Stolas steps closer, tilting his head a little. Striker is strapped to a chair. Beneath him, a puddle of blood already. A bone broke through the skin on his upper leg. A complicated fracture, very likely caused by the fall, just like the way the skin on his tail is sliced open and pealed back. Several scratches, caused by the branches and probably Blitz...

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