64. Snowflakes

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Stolas sighs softly and leans on the banister of his balcony. He's happy that Via found such a good friend in Loona and a few of her friends and spends much time with them. But the castle feels so incredibly huge when she's out and he's left alone here with mostly bad memories even in such moments...

He winces when his hellphone suddenly starts to ring, and his heartbeat picks up immediately, „Blitzy!"

„Hey... Stolas... Uhm... Do you...have any plans for today?"

„N-No! Not at all! I mean..." a moment of silence, then he asks carefully, „Would you...like to come over?"

„Well... If you...want me to? You... You'd have to come pick me up with a portal at the office though... Loona got the van to get to her friends... And I..."

„Of course! Be right there, Blitzy!" Stolas already opens a portal and steps through it.

„No, wait, I..." Blitz winces when the prince suddenly appears in front of him.

„Oh! Uhm... S-Sorry, Blitzy! I..." Stolas quickly turns around in reflex.

„Well...it's not like there's anything you don't know by heart already anyway..." Blitz chuckles weakly, „It's okay. Just...don't get ideas! I'm merely trying to dry my clothes here..."

„Why are they wet?" Stolas turns back again, looking at the naked imp, who's standing in the middle of his office, trying to wring his clothes dry and then putting them over his desk and chair, as it seems.

„Some...complications during our latest mission... I like snow, but...it's so freaking cold..." Blitz sighs softly, shaking his head and wrings out his pants, adding even more water to the puddle on the ground that there is already, „Ah, fuck! Need to wipe through here before we go. Sorry, I... This whole thing will probably still take a while... You should maybe just portale back. I can call you again when I'm ready..."

„Blitz. Take a breather, please. I'm bored at home anyway, I'll stay and keep you company. But... You are... Are you all right? Did you get hurt?" Stolas approaches the imp carefully, looking him over, trying to not get distracted by his friend's attractive body during this.

„No, I'm fine. Only thing that went wrong was me, diving head first into a fucking snow hill during the chase. Fucking embarrassing! At least, Mox hit the target on spot shortly after, while Millie helped me to dig out of there..." Blitz shakes his head again and suddenly, he leans forward onto his desk with both arms supporting him, closing his eyes for a moment and taking a stuttering breath in.

„Blitzy?" Stolas worriedly puts a hand on the imp's back now, „Are you all ri-HOLY SHIT! Blitz! You're practically frozen!"

„Well, I told you I got stuck in snow up to over my horns!" growls Blitz and shrugs his hand off, „Didn't you listen?! Why do you think I'm drying my clothes here like that?! Snow is WET and COLD!"

„I... I know. Of course, I listened... I just... I didn't think you'd be a pure ice block!" stammers Stolas, taking a step back.

Blitz grits his teeth, then his shoulders drop with a sigh, he turns around and leans his back against the desk now, looking down and hugging himself, „I... Sorry... I didn't mean to yell like that... It's just...been a huge ass tiresome day and...I guess I'm just..." he groans and wipes his eyes, „I'm sorry."

„It's okay. I'm sorry, too that you got the impression that I didn't listen. I just...got a light shock, because I didn't think you'd be that frozen through. We need to get you warm again!"

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