27. Trigger Points

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„Moooox!" Loona storms into the dining room, where the two imps are sitting with their heads still stuck in Alastor's book.

Now they both look up in alarm at the hurry in the hellhound's voice.

„What's wrong, Loona? Did you find Al?"

„Yeah. And that's what we need you for. You're good with stitching, right?"

The two imps exchange another look, then they quickly hurry after her, into the nearest bathroom.

„Of fuck," Moxxie immediately pulls up his sleeves and washes his hands while looking at the two girls, „How long is he already bleeding like that?"

„About four minutes. We took care of his claw-wounds and for a while, they were fine, but then he started to fuss and suddenly the deepest reopened and we couldn't stop the bleeding again," Via's voice is desperate while she still presses already deep red towels around the deer-demon's ears.

„And this IDIOT refuses to heal himself!" growls Loona with a murderous glare at the radio demon, sitting on the ground like a ranted at child.

„I told you; I CANNOT heal myself if the bleeding is so severe. That's been the problem with Stolas' wound back in the hotel, remember?" counters Alastor weakly with still closed eyes.

„Well duh! But you COULD'VE healed yourself before they started bleeding again, but you DIDN'T because you WANT to hurt!"

„Loona..." says Via softly, „That's not helping."

„No. Because that's exactly why he likes Blitz so much – these two morons are completely alike in their self-destructive behavior!"

„So he did this to himself?" asks Moxxie just to be sure, while gathering everything he needs to stitch the other back together.

„Of FUCKING course! Would've shredded them entirely to pieces and jammed a broken case straight into his throat probably if we hadn't come to stop him! I swear, if this idiot wasn't ace, he'd definitely pull the same bullshit as Blitz and let randoms fuck him as a punishment!"

At this, Alastor opens his eyes for the first time and looks at the ranting hellhound – his eyes scaring emotionless.

„That's enough, Loona!" calls Millie her off now with a strict glare while helping her husband, „We're all worried and on the edge right now, but we can't use this here! Go and let off some steam elsewhere!"

The young hellhound growls again, her fur standing up, but she quickly turns away and leaves, slamming the door behind her.

Via worriedly looks after her but is too afraid to let go of the towels to follow her.

„She's probably right though..." mumbles Alastor now weakly, lowering his eyes.

„We know that," Moxxie's voice is calm, „And she has all right to rant at you like that..."

„But I sent her away so she could calm down. She needs her father now, although she'd never admit it at the moment," finishes Millie with a soft, reassuring smile at Octavia, „And she will go to him now. Trust me."

„FUCKING IDIOTS! All of them!" Loona clenches her hands so hard into fists, her claws dig hard enough into her palms to draw blood, „Fucking damnit!"

Tears spill from her eyes as she feels the pain and only clenches them harder. She walks past a window and glances at it, looking at the reflection of herself for a split second. She freezes at seeing her tear-struck face between the golden metal-frame segments of the huge windows. Memories flash behind her eyes and with a dog whimper, she shrinks back and stumbles against a sideboard, knocking down a vase. This noise jump scares her even more and she just folds in on herself where she's standing, sobbing lowly, burying her face between her arms. Suddenly, she's a ten-year-old again, trying to hide from the abusive man who adopted her... The collar around her neck far too tight to breathe, digging in her skin...

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