11. Take Me Under The Stars

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„I like this song. Can you send it to me?"

„Sure, Al," Blitz grins, already typing in his phone, „But honestly, I'm surprised. Wouldn't have thought that you'd like modern music...or have a phone, since you hate TV so much..."

„It's not really the technology itself... It's more this idiot Vox... Anyway..." Alastor smiles lightly, „Thanks for the song. And...music is something...that is fluent with time for me. It changes but it remains what it is – the purest form of communication that everybody understands, no matter the language."

„Wow. That's...deep..." Moxxie tilts his head, looking at the other, letting his feet dangle from the edge of the balcony's railing, just like Alastor and Blitz, „Almost poetic if you ask me..."

„Not expected something like this from a cannibal, huh?"

„I... That's not what I meant, Alastor!" Moxxie winces lightly, blushing, „I'm so-,"

„Relax, Moxxie!" interrupts Alastor him with a soft laugh and gives him a gentle shove with one of his voodoo-tentacles, „I'm only messing with you! I know you didn't mean it."

„Ugh! Al! You know I don't like these!" Moxxie waves his hand at the tentacles a little too violently and tips over.

„Hey there. Careful, guys," Blitz uses his tail to shove Moxxie completely back onto the railing, giving his two friends a stern, but loving look, „No teasing like this when we're up here."


„Yes, sorry, Blitz. You're right of course...although it's strange to hear you being the careful one..." Moxxie chuckles softly, „And don't worry, I wouldn't have fallen."



„And if he did, I would've caught him."

„With your tentacle shadows?! No, please... Don't... I really, really don't feel comfortable if these things are too close to me..." Moxxie shudders and rubs his arm, „Nothing against you personally, Alastor!"

The radio demon smiles lightly, „I know. I'll try not to tease you too much with this."

„Why does the 'too much' stick out to me like that, I wonder..." Moxxie sighs but grins, his eyes moving to Blitz now, „You're so quiet... Are you okay, Blitz?"

The taller imp is smiling softly to himself the whole time already, now he nods, „Yes, Moxxie. I am. I'm simply enjoying...all of this right now. And I'm so happy to see all of us have recovered so well by now..."

„...And that you and Stolas are finally a thing now?" Alastor grins broadly, „That makes you happy too, doesn't it?"

Blitz chuckles softly, blushing lightly, „Yeah. It does. I can still barely believe it and it scares me for a great part as well, but...it still makes me incredibly happy. I just hope...I won't fuck it up again..."

„I am sure you won't, Blitz. You're doing great."

„Yeah... One week in and we're both still alive and together. That's good, I guess... Although one doesn't know whether our recovery process didn't play into it a little..." musses Blitz lowly with a nervously twitching tail.

Moxxie looks at him for a few seconds. Then he asks seemingly out of nowhere, „How's the sex? ...Sorry, Al!" he glances at the radio demon who winced a little at his sudden outburst.

Their new friend does a dismissive gesture, „It's fine. It just came surprising."

„Not only for you..." Blitz eyes Moxxie confused, „Since when...are you so...open about this topic?"

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