24. Coffee

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Blitz has never been one who understood the concept of eating together as something nice. He tried his best for Loona and occasionally for business, but it never really worked out for him. Also, because most of his food source has been takeaway and coffee, anyway and he usually cooked only for his daughter and put it in the fridge, so she could grab and reheat it whenever she felt like it.

But then, one day, in the early morning hours after Stolas' and his usual full moon date, it's been raining like bonkers and so Stolas asked him to stay at least until the worst was over and the imp could drive home safely. Blitz didn't really know how to handle the other's care and worry at this point, so he asked with a forced eyeroll whether the prince simply wanted sloppy seconds...or rather 'whatevers', since none of them really ever counted during those nights. But damn Stolas, he just grinned at him, actually ran his hand along Blitz' back, barely dancing around his spikes with his fingers, making the imp shiver again, and said he just wanted him to stay for breakfast. Blitz negated at first, saying he wasn't the type for this 'domestic shit' but since it was actually raining badly and he didn't want the prince to miss breakfast because of him, he at least agreed to stay with him while he ate. The happy shine in Stolas' eyes at that point was similar to the one he had when Blitz kissed him for the first time in the heat of the moment when they were making out.

So, when the butler now brings breakfast to the bed, as always with giving Blitz the usual side-eye before disappearing again, Blitz does notice the second mug of steaming coffee, but pretends not to at first, trying to look bored while the prince inspects the tray almost ridiculously closely, before finally asking with a light glance at the imp, „Coffee?"

Blitz takes his time to consider his options, but then decides that just sitting there like a pillow and stare at the other – or rather stare anywhere else, so he doesn't look like a creep – was probably even worse than accepting a coffee, so he nods, shuffles a little to sit sideways to the tray and Stolas and accepts the offered mug with a slightly wry, forced smile and a low, „Thanks."

But when he wants to grab the mug, Stolas suddenly pulls it out of reach for him and instead pushes a dry toast into it, grinning broadly, „No coffee on an empty stomach, Darling!"

At that moment, Blitz needs all of his willpower to not blush and smile but instead cross his arms and say annoyed, „Very well, then no coffee it is."

„Blitzy, come on. Would it kill you to eat one toast with me?" Stolas does the thing with his voice – sounding cute and almost dominant blackmailing at the same time. It rarely fails to break down Blitz' walls – as it does this time, „I don't know. Maybe you had it poisoned to get all of my riches, Goetia!" he can't help but grin, „Or so you could do even worse things to me..."

Stolas laughs heartfelt at this, making the imp's heart flutter in his chest, the silly way it's really not supposed to.

And when the prince has finally calmed down again, he gives him that cute look with the tilted head. That in addition to his wonderful messy, wild bed-feathered-head is simply too much for the imp. He sighs very overdramatic, holds up one finger and agrees to, „Only ONE toast! And just so you stop annoying me, Idiot!"

Of course, it doesn't stay with one toast.

Blitz, for the first time in a long while, suddenly starts to feel very hungry. So, after the first toast, he tries to avoid eye contact, looking around the room, trying to fight this feeling again. Until the owl-demon wordlessly and without looking at him directly places another toast on the plate in front of the imp, smart enough not to address this further than with a soft smile when Blitz' eyes move to glance at him.

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