28. Guardian Angel

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„Stolas..." Blitz whimpering opens his eyes. It's dark, but he doesn't have to see to know that his boyfriend isn't lying next to him. He shivers, feeling incredibly cold, although the blanket that he's wrapped up in...feels like it strangles him.

„Sto..." he whines again and tries to wiggle free from the blanket, but somehow, he can't. Panic settles in his heart.


He's sweating. He doesn't feel well at all. Hot and cold at the same time. His mind is spinning.

Why isn't Stolas here? Why does he feel so odd? What is going on?

He finally manages to untangle from the blanket and shaking crawls over the bed, climbing out of it and staggering through their room. He holds his two and a half months pregnant belly, feeling their baby move in the same uneasiness, that he himself feels.

„I-It's okay, Sweetie. Daddy...will be around here somewhere... He wouldn't...leave us alone..." whispers Blitz, trying to soothe both of them.

He stumbles over the corridor, one hand gliding along the wall, his tail dragging powerlessly behind himself.

He feels worse with every step he takes, but his instinct tells him to move on until he finds his partner. If he finds Stolas, everything will become okay again. It always is.


He doesn't understand. Usually, the prince feels Blitz' discomfort reflected in their shared heartbeat immediately and is next to him within a blink. Why not this time? Where...

Blitz stops. His dazzled mind barely clear enough to realize that he should've reached either the bathroom or the stairs by now. And...the smell is different... It doesn't smell like home.

And then he realizes – the question isn't where his fiancé is...but where is Blitz himself?!?

His breathing picks up.

He tries to focus through his panic and discomfort.

He woke up in the castle in their bed, that he's sure about. But now he's...somewhere else... And the only plausible reason for that would be..., „I opened a fucking portal and walked through it without noticing..."

He feels sick. How could this happen?! And most importantly, where is he?

„Okay... Easy, Blitz... Pull yourself together! You got yourself here...you can go back. Just... Focus. Open a portal back home and everything will be all right..."

He takes a deep breath in and steadies himself.

„Fuck!" sweating and trembling, he leans against the wall. He's too exhausted and weak to do anything. Satan alone knows how he opened a portal here in the first place! And of fucking course he didn't take his phone along in the panic.

„If you die here, it's your own damn fault..." he groans softly and pushes himself off the wall. Then he has to do this the old-fashioned way...

He closes his eyes and tries to push through his pain, dizziness and – what he's meanwhile pretty sure about having – fever and reactivate his senses and instincts.

It's stark dark. Simple wooden floor and walls. It's smells old and a little run down.

Blitz is sure he's been here before, but only once and for a short time...years ago...

He's too dazzled to tell where he is exactly, but he knows it's not particularly dangerous.

So he forces his body to relax a tiny bit. Enough to carefully, silently move on. He's passing doors... Many of them. Then he reaches a button.

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