53. Bear Traps

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„Hey... Blitz?"


„Are you really sure...that you're all right, Darling?" Stolas' eyes are fixed on the imp, currently drying himself with a towel after having just returned from the bathroom. He shows no external signs of injury. But still, Stolas feels somewhat worried.

„I told you that I am."

„Yes and it wouldn't be the first time that you lie about this," Stolas sits up completely on his bed, „You said you needed a bath because you felt dirty and needed to wash off the blood and mud from the fight..."

„Yeah. Sorry, if you wanted to live out any kink there, but..."

„That's not it, Blitz," Stolas notices that the other is purposely avoiding meeting his gaze and that's all he needs to know that the imp actually isn't as all right as he claims to be, „The fight took place inside and there was no mud..."

Blitz takes a visible breath in, then he throws the towel aside, standing stark naked now, one hand on his hip, and meets the owl-demon's eyes, „But earlier in the alleyway, there was. I fell face first into a garbage bin. There. Satisfied? Can we fuck now?"

„Blitzy, this is no joke, okay?! I know you well enough to be able to see that you are not as fine as you claim to be right now!" Stolas now stands up from the bed and starts to walk around the imp, even going so far as to suddenly kneel down and start feeling his arms.

Blitz is too astonished to react at first, but then he finally jumps back and growls, „Stop it!"

„No! Not before you tell me, what..."

„Stop pretending that you care!"

Stolas actually winces back at this exclaim and the way the imp now takes a step back, his tail snapping behind him, before he suddenly turns away, facing the wall and hugging himself.

The owl-demon swallows hard, „Blitz... I... I don't pretend..."

The imp starts to shiver visibly, „Save it. I... We... We wanted to have sex, not talk, didn't we?"

„I didn't come to help you to have sex afterwards, Blitz. I came there because I CARE! Because I don't want you to get hurt in any way!" Stolas straightens again and follows the other, his voice gentle, „Blitzy. Please... Tell me what bothers you. What...did I do to make you think I...just pretend that I care?"

Blitz' tail moves slowly through the air, displaying his discomfort. He doesn't answer right away, but then he suddenly lets his shoulders drop and sighs audibly, „Listen... It's been a fucking long and rough day... Mox and I have been drugged and I personally had a pretty bad trip. That's why I'm a little...tense right now, okay? No need to worry. And...no need to put too much meaning into anything I said and say right now, 'kay? Just...ignore it. Where are the bear traps?"


„Where are the FUCKING bear traps?!" Blitz stomps his foot and turns back suddenly, his eyes red, showing how hard he tries to fight back tears in this moment.

Stolas winces again and just stares at the imp for a few seconds. Then he slowly kneels down again, both hands risen, „Blitz. Listen. You want me to ignore anything you said and say right now, right? I promise, I will. But then please, use this opportunity and let off steam. No matter how. Just...scream at me, if that helps anything."

Blitz bites his visibly trembling bottom lip and shakes his head no.

„I can cover my ears, if you want me to. Then I won't even hear what you say."

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