67. ...You Have To Keep Them Happy...

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„...So...this whole sad story at least has had one positive effect..." Stolas' voice is incredible soft.

„Yeah..." Blitz, leaning against the wall on the corridor, absently stares at a picture on the opposite wall, without really looking at it. He's just told Stolas everything that has happened so far, over his hellphone, especially describing Husk during this. And yes, Stolas is right. The fact that they met the cat-demon here really is a positive side of the whole sad story about Rush's death...

„Darling. Are you all right? Are you thinking?"

„Hm? Oh. Yeah, yeah. I'm good. I'm... Yeah, I'm thinking, sorry," the imp sighs and rubs his forehead, „I'm still worried about Alastor though. He's weakened and...not fully himself. I'm relieved that Husk REALLY is a sweetheart and will take good care of him! But... Sto, I... The thought to let him leave so soon after he's probably not even finished working through one of the worst emotions there is... Fuck, this feels like abandoning him..."

„I know, Blitz. I... I feel the same, Honey. But you know there is nothing we can do against this."

„Maybe...there is..."


„Just...a thought... I've got no concrete idea yet, but...I'll work on that when I'm back. Then I'll try to explain it, okay?"

„Okay. But Blitz..."


„Are you REALLY okay?"

„Yes, Stolas. I promise that I am. But I'll be happy when we finally got this over with and we can return home, so I can first tug Alastor in bed and then myself in your arms... How's Astry?"

„I fed her shortly before you called. Then she played with my fingers, wrapping her tail around each of it. She's so skilled with it already! She definitely got your genes there!"

Blitz smiles softly, lightly rubbing his chest, „Tell her, Mommy misses her already, just as much as Daddy. And give her a kiss from me."

„Will be done, my Star. She also misses you, I can sense that."

„Hm... But she's in the best hands with her Dad," the imp's pride is audible and he wipes a tear off his cheek, „Hrm. Anyway. I... Have... Have you been practicing your spells?"

„Of course I have!" Stolas chuckles softly, his voice becoming a tad seductive, „And not only the ones working as contraceptives..."

„No? What else?"

„You'll find out soon enough... I'm pretty sure, you'll like it and find it rather...enlightening..."

„Uh, you tease!" Blitz chuckles, but then his voice softens again, „I'm glad when I'm home, Sto. More than anything else, I want to be in your arms right now..."

„I know, Love. And I want to hold you, sensing that you are all right and safe with me. Soon, Blitz. Please, continue to be careful."

„I promise. But I don't think, anything dangerous will happen, Sto, don't worry. And IF we'd be attacked..." his grin is audible when he now lets his tail brush along his boot with the well-hidden, small, elegant holy gun in it, „...I got Fizz' wedding gift with me. And the knives in my boot heels as well, of course. You know I never leave without weapons."

„And I'm glad you don't."

„Stolas... What's wrong? You sound worried, even for yourself."



A soft sigh, „I didn't want to put this burden upon you just yet as well, Blitzy. You're...agitated and busy as it is right now already."

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