68. ...And Alive

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„Yeah... Fuck, I wish I'd been more attentive right from the start! Believing that all of this was 'just' because of him grieving..."

„Blitzy, stop it. You know it's not your fault. And I am sure we will set Alastor back on track again! I'll immediately look into this. There HAVE to be books about that. If in doubt, we'll probably have to use a pentagram again."

„Sto, I know you're a quick learner, but without any form of instructions, using a pentagram could be dangerous. And not only for Al. You know that."

„Yes, Sweetie. And we're not even close to that point yet. I'm merely trying to assure you, that it's gonna be okay," Stolas' voice is incredible soft and soothing.

Blitz exhales slowly, nodding to himself, „Yeah... Yeah, you're right. Sorry, Hon. I'm a little...giddy right now. It feels like...we're in a never-ending circle of worry and suffering for four days now already..."

„I know, Blitz. I feel the same. But it will get better again, my Star. I am sure it will."

„My wonderful positive husband," purrs Blitz, his tail waving happily through the air, „You always manage to keep me afloat, Babe. I love you so much for that!"

Stolas giggles softly and the imp knows that he's blushing adorably right now again.

He smiles and says softly to soothe both of them, „I'll get our sick deerie back home as quick as possible."

„Do that. And maybe you can ask Husker to come along too? If he's got such a positive effect on Al, this might be helpful..."

„Just admit that you want to get to know him and love to have the castle full of demons you like," Blitz laughs softly.

„You got me there. I mean, Husker must be a really interesting person, if he caught Alastor's attention so quickly. After all the only other demon who managed that until now has been you. And well...of course I can understand THAT just too well..."

Blitz chuckles, „Stop flirting with me on the phone. You make me blush, Birdbrain."

„And that's bad becaaaaause...?"

„Well, for once, I should really focus on..."

„Hrmhrm. Blitz..."

The imp turns around and winces lightly at finding Amanda standing in the corridor right behind him. Next to her, another, greater female imp, who has very soft, but clearly worried and red cried eyes. He immediately figures who this is and a short look at Amanda confirms this.

„Sto... I gotta go. Talk to you later, Sweetie. Bye," whispers Blitz and hangs up, then he smiles at the two imp's, „Uhm... Hi. I'm Blitz. I...take it you are Ruby?"

She nods, her hands are lightly shaking, „Mandy said that...you know what happened to my brother Rush?"

„Yes... Well... Uhm... Can you...give me a tiny minute, please? I'll get right to you, I just...need to check something..." Blitz gives Amanda a hinting look.

She nods and gently puts an arm around Ruby, saying softly, „We'll wait here, okay? Shall I make you some tea?"

„No, thank you. Just...don't leave me alone, please..."

„Of course not..."

Blitz gives the two females a gentle smile and then quickly returns to Husk and Alastor.

„Hey. How is he holding up?" the imp approaches the bed and eyes the radio demon carefully, before searching Husk's eyes.

„He's running a fever. And blacked out for a few seconds a few times already. But he's still trying to be smug and joke around when he's conscious..."

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