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Juliet was wrapped in a large black puffer coat with a bobble hat pulled tightly over her head, protecting her ears from the icy wind. Her hands were deep in her pockets and her long brunette hair was spilling out from the neck of her coat. The platform was nearly empty, only a few people stood waiting for their children to return home for Christmas and Juliet hoped that no one thought she was someone's mother. Although if they did, it would be funny to see their faces when Theo approached her.

The harsh squeak of the trains breaks rattled the ground beneath Juliet's feet and a thick steam filled the space around her, in a matter of a few weeks Juliet would be boarding the steam train again and it would be a whole new year.

As students started to leave the train, Juliet stood up on her tiptoes, trying to see over the top of people's heads. In the distance she made out brown curls and she ran. As she pushed through people, she muttered small apologies but she wasn't really sorry.

She finally made him out, his green eyes found hers instantly and his arms were opened wide for her. She darted forward, colliding into his chest as his arms wrapped around her torso. She was lifted into the air effortlessly and a small squeal left her lips.

"Theo! Put me down!" Juliet giggled as she swatted his shoulder.

"Oh I've missed you little sis, have you grown?" Theo placed his hand on top of her head and used it to measure her height against his own body.

"No I haven't grown dip shit" Juliet shook her head before grabbing one of Theo's bags that he'd dropped to the ground.

"Come on, we need to get a taxi" Juliet smiled up at her brother but his face was full of confusion.

"What's a taxi?" Theo assumed it was a muggle thing. This would take some getting used to.

"It's a car that someone else drives and they take you where you want to go and then you pay them" Juliet shrugged her shoulders.

"Well that's stupid" Theo shook his head.

"Not for me someone like me who has small legs and can't drive" Juliet laughed as they made it out onto the street. Theo's eyes seemed to widen as he took in everything around him. "Have you really never been to muggle London before?" Juliet couldn't believe it.

"Nope. Never. Although I see why my father came here" Theo laughed as he swung his arm over Juliet's shoulders.

"It's quite the place" Juliet hummed.

" do you get the taxi then?" Theo looked around in confusion, he could see lots of cars but they all looked the same.

"Those are the taxi's Theo..." Juliet stifled a laugh before grabbing Theo's hand and pulling him over to one of the black cars. She told him to throw his bags into the trunk before she ushered him into the back seats. Neither of them said much on the journey, Theo was too busy touching everything inside of the car.

As the driver pulled up outside of Juliet's house, she handed him a twenty pound note and told him to keep any change before she and Theo got out of the car and grabbed his stuff.

Theo was taking in his surroundings, all of the houses looked the same but there was one that stood out. A sage green door? That one was definitely Juliet's house.

Infatuated-Draco Malfoy x OCWhere stories live. Discover now