Forty Seven

133 4 15

Angeldust woke up before Husk and went down into the kitchen. He took his ✨ special ✨ butter out of the fridge and took out ingredients to make brownies.

He poured all the wet ingredients into one bowl and all the dry ones into another bowl. Then combining them in a stand mixer. Then he poured the batter into a baking dish he had greased ahead of time.

The oven was already preheating so he just waited for the sound that it was ready and then he put the dish into the oven for how ever long the recipe called for, he forgot.

Charlie walked into the kitchen for a cup of coffee. She put a new filter in the coffee pot and filled it with coffee grounds.

"Oh good morning Angel." She greeted. "Ooh those brownies smell delicious!"

Angeldust facepalmed.

"I ain't sharing." He stated swiping his hand in a downward motion.

She seemed disappointed, and then realized why as the aroma got stronger.


A while went by after Charlie poured herself coffee and left the kitchen. The brownies finished cooking and Angel looked them with a tooth pick making sure it came out clean. He took a knife and cut the brownies before they cooled. And aslo separated them from the edges of the dish. He taped and index card to the dish.

Angel's brownies do NOT eat


He cleaned up his mess before, he took a middle edge piece and broke part of it off. He wrapped it in cling wrap to eat later.

He sat on the couch as he ate the piece of the brownie, when Husk came down the stairs and started opening up the bar.

"Whatcha got there?" He asked from behind the bar as he opened a bottle of booze.

Angeldust finished chewing before he answered. "Brownie." He stated.

Husk seemed intrigued. "Oooh."

Angeldust walked over to the bar and sat on a barstool.

"You can't have any Husky. They're mine." He stated.

Husk raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms turning away from the spider.

"That's just rude."

Angeldust rolled his eyes. Husk poured him a drink.

Angeldust went to pick up the drink, but Husk slid it away. Angeldust looked at him annoyed.

"You really ain't gonna share?" The bartender asked.

Angeldust nodded.
Husk grumbled and gave him his drink.

Angeldust downed the drink, and went into the kitchen after a short while. He made sure the brownies cooled enough to put them in a container. That he also labeled not to eat.

He walked back into the lobby and climbed on top of the bar laying in his stomach kicking his feet. He kissed Husk's cheek.

"I'll see ya later whiskers." He said.

"Love ya Webs."

"Ti Amo." Angeldust said back before he walked out of the hotel.


A few hours passed it was roughly four o'clock now Angeldust would be home in just two hours Husk went on his break and stole one of Angel's brownies, thinking nothing of it, he ate the whole thing. Charlie came downstairs to start preparing dinner for everyone.

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