68- The Wyvern

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" Your part wyvern." I state in pure and udder disbelief. Again I looked at the little band of Marked ones as I walked up to Rhys. " They all knew? And don't you dare shit my Rhys..They knew?!" I throw my hand towards the group.

" Yes." He answers, " But there is more to the story then just being a half wyvern."

Again I feel the wave of betrayal, I've been riding a...wyvern? All I seem to be able to do is just stare.... All of this..all this hidden information...

" How.... How could a dragon...and a...wyvern?" I look anywhere for answers, not knowing if they'd actually tell me.

" Venin took their power from the lands, they found that power saved them from dragon's fire. But the quickness of their speed and the blade of a dragon or gryphon's rider was their downfall. So they made an abomination..." Rhys begins.

" The first wyvern." Segyl adds. " Though those creations were terminal coming from no real body so they'd fade quickly seeing the venin would need to give u their own magic to keep them in exsistance. They're selfish beings... so they did the unimagineable..what we didn't think was possible.."

 " They took our own." Rhys answers. " They'd take our children, an injured, any fallen and put their magic in the body making the most recent of their creations. Ones that can live, who have their own mind, and the mind of their forbidden rider. I was fortunate... Segyl... Segyl got me out just in time, before they took my mind."

I feel the bile rise my my throat as I look at him, for once he looks shameful of what he is. " Your rider died..that's why you were hurt?"

" No. My rider lured me to them, he became venin. Without any of us knowing. I didn't sense it... I still don't know to this day why I couldn't, the best guess was the corrupted magic. Segyl took be back to the Vale... They wanted to kill me but she wouldn't let anyone touch me. My brother Tairn.. He wouldn't let anyone. They took my actions on their shoulders Just like the Wingleader did. I needed to prove my loyalties like they did."

" Your Tairn's brother?"

Everyone around me tenses looking at Rhys and the silent communication. They didn't know that...

" Does leadership know?"

" They do." Xaden answers in my head. 

" Stay out of my head!" I bellow back seeing him tense his posture. " He knows everything there is to know about this bond and you girl.." Segyl has tightly in my head. 

" I didn't ask for either of your commentary." I snap making her bare her teeth just a little.

" They do. Because I saved you once." Rhys answers. " You were conceived out of the Navarrian boarder, during an attack. Venin tried to kill you and your mother while she was on a hunt for me... She wasn't supposed to have you for another month or so but they did something and I saved what I could of you. For that she spared my life, I said I'd live a secluded life in the Vale. She said she'd make a cover for me. Never did she think I'd bond let alone bond you."

The HalfBlood- FourthWing FanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin