73- Finale pt.1

596 37 13

Xaden and Segyl step out looking around, no Tairn, no reborns close to us. " Before we go, take a few."

He quickly hands me a few daggers for killing the venin. He gives me a solemn look  " Before we go-"

" Don't Xaden." I say quickly looking at him, " We need to focus...So just..." I sigh, " Don't."

" I'd rather get this all out before we have the possibility of dying." He urges.

" Well then, don't die." I say quickly, Rhys taking off in the air.

" You should let him talk before we do this." Rhys grubles lowly in my head.

" If he wants to say it so damn bad, it's motivation to stay alive."

" You know battling my older brother is his rider is close to a suicide mission. Let the boy talk."

I clench my jaw looking back over my shoulder, " I don't want to hear your apology, but I understand why you did it. All of it, and I understand why you didn't tell me."

He nods, " That's all I wanted to explain."

I give a nod back as Segyl stays closer to Rhys as we fly trying to find where they were heading, Xaden  looks back at the others giving them the nod to get the hell out of there. Garrick gives the nod back as he instructs them what to do.

I catch the eyes of Liam as they put Deigh in the middle of them to avoid exposure.....Please let him get back safely. His eyes look pleading as they fly, I only know he's thinking the same of me... to live.

I bend my mouth just a little to form a half ass smile, even if I hate all of them I will not die leaving them with a sour impression. He returns it and they're off.

I quickly scan the skies, it was... quiet. They're not passing over the village, they're going west... I've never been to far west ot really hear anything about further west. 

Now knowing why...

" Come on, he'll be making his round pretty damn soon. We should try to hide and see if we can flame the bitch right off of him."

I clench and unclench my hands glancing at him, " I don't think it'll be that easy."

" No.. probably not but maybe the goddess of luck Tyche will look on us with favor. Since we saved all those people."

" Or hate since we took all those souls from her husband."

He manages a small chuckle, " Very possible. But lengend has it she hates her husband and was a just women."

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