69- The Battle of Althybene

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" So none of this...none of this was an accident? You wanted to bond me?" I ask quickly.

" No, what happened at your Threshing as all an accident. I knew who and what you were as soon as I saw that white hair. A dragon can see a person's heart, and I saw yours, and I knew it would be a good choice." Rhys replies.

" We need to go!" The bruntette flyer yelled.

" One more question... if we're going to die, please...who was my dad?"

I feel a swell of emotions run through me. " We live. Then I'll tell you all that you need to know, I don't want your mind clouded during battle."

" And if we die?"

" Then I'll tell you when we're with Malek." He responds " Now let's go."

I wanted to fight, to protest but I know he granted me more time and more answers then I've been given my whole life. I quickly jump on and we rocket towards the trading post.

" Do you think we can win?"

" I'm not certain." Rhys answers back.

" But if we do...what do we do after, with the marked ones, with leadership...with this secret?"

" Then... we bring back venin and wyvern's bodies and string them all over Navarre and let the truth take it's course."

We plummet into the mountains where the smaller village was being actively plundered. Pwopl running about, smoke billowing as we fly through. Through the mass I see a taller figure in a dark purple cape strolling leisurely.

They happen to look up and what then I see it.

Their skin gray and wilted with dark petruding veins all over their body, the heavy robe and the thign that makes me shiver is their red beating eyes. who are now locked on us as we fly. The figure seems to drop it's expression before malice and a sick amusement crosses their face.

It does soem type of gesture with it's hands, a black like fire comign from it's being before he hurls a fire ball at us. " RHYS!" I yell. He pivots with such speed and fire's his own it burns through it as we whizz ahead.

" Why didn't we kiss it?!" I yell.

" Because it knows exactly who we are. We need to get these people out." Rhys responds.

" But we have the advantage!"

Just then there was shrieking, one that sounds like a pack of dragons, but also mixed with the shrieks of wild dogs.

" Now we don't.." Rhys says lowly. " They have wyvern coming."

Through the clouds and smoke there was flashes of blue streaking the sky... I see these boney, slim off colored white things weaving in and out...and shit they were fast... not as fast as Rhys...but faster then a damn dragon.

" They have wyvern!" I yell to Xaden.

" I see. I'll let the others know." He responds.

" They have wyvern!" I yell, Imogen and Hetta were close by just taking a few civilians.

" They have what?!" Imogen yells jerking her head her face falling.

I look back as well to see quite a few barreling towards us, they're smaller then dragons, but their claws are petruding, along with pin like teeth and the same dead emotionless eyes as their riders.

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